Tag Archives: Sergeant Daniel Kedmi

The Amazing Story of Aharon Karav Continues

28 Nissan 5778 13 April 2018   Picture of the Day: Your humble servant is tired of the revisionism currently being displayed by the Polish government. We all know that more than a million non-Jewish Poles died in World War II; … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 500 pieces of shrapnel, a chemical attack in Dumas, a land rich with the hatred of Jews, aharon karov, ashes of murdered Jews to fertilize their fields, auschwitz, barbarous attack, birkenau, booby trapped, destabilized syria, detonated, devalued, disbarred, explosives, fulfill its nightmare vision, germans, half of his face, international Conference on the Holy City of Jerusalem, iranian rial, Israel, israeli attack, July 27 2014, justice, Lithuanians, march of the living, maya granak, mayor of Dublin Ireland, murdered by the Poles, Nazi death machine, neurotoxins, new york city marathon, nirit zimora, non-Jewish Poles died in World War II, Poles helped Germans round up Polish Jews, polish government, refused to die, removed from bench, revisionism, rivlin, Sergeant Barkai Yishai Shor, Sergeant Daniel Kedmi, Sergeant Dor Deri, Sergeant Nadav Raymond, Sergeant Sagi Erez, served, starvation and disease, The occupied city of Al-Quds is the eternal capital of Palestine, turkish lira, Ukrainians, warsaw ghetto, who’s who of international anti-Semites, will you marry me | Comments Off on The Amazing Story of Aharon Karav Continues