Tag Archives: shelly yahimovich

Mahmoud Abbas’ “Speech of Peace” At The United Nations Yesterday

UPDATES 9 am Israel time, Friday, September 27 2013: **Not surprisingly, in light of yesterday’s IDF statement of support for Hamas, Hamas terrorists fired yet another rocket last night into the Chof Ashkelon region of southern Israel. This follows another … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1200 israelis, 13 September 1993, 160 suicide bombers, 7.8%, a fully sovereign State of Palestine, all palestinian lands, another day, another speech, as called for by the Arab Peace Initiative, ashdod attack, at the forefront of which is Al-Aqsa Mosque, beit el, blown to pieces, budget, cautious hope, chof ashkelon, conciliatory, educational system, european union, ever increasing numbers, false alarm, fifth generation, filippo grandi, fired, givat asaf, hamas terrorists, hideous, huge explosion, humanitarian resources, IDF, inadvertently, incitement, ironically, Israel, isreal, it is imperative that the near-daily attacks on the religious sites in Occupied Jerusalem, keep its Palestinian refugee business in business, labor party, leadership, leftists, less urgent, Mahmoud Abbas, mainstream israel media, make the culture of peace reign, media, more money, new era of dialogue, no israel on the plo map, no mention, no warning siren, nothing new, on all of the Palestinian lands occupied in 1967, operating budget, oslo accords, palestinian crisis, palestinian refugees, palestinian terrorists, pathetic joke, plo head, plo suicide attack, pony up, positive model, promised, repudiated violence, rocket, rocket fell in gaza, running for cover, series of attacks, shattered glass, shelly yahimovich, shortfall, south ashdod, southern israel, support for hamas, supposed, syria has drained, syrian refugees, the creation of israel was a historic injustice, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, the syrian refugees are real refugees, to build bridges instead of walls, to open wide roads for connection and communication, to tear down walls, traumatic stress, two million refugees, un podium, united nations, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East, United Nations resolution 194, unprecedented injustice that has befallen the Palestinian people in Al-Nakba of 1948, unrwa, what the real problem is, with East Jerusalem as its capital | Comments Off on Mahmoud Abbas’ “Speech of Peace” At The United Nations Yesterday