Tag Archives: Shimon HaTzaddik

Evicted After 50 Years! A Happy Ending For the Shamesneh Sqatters

16 Elul 5777 7 September 2017   The News on the Israel Street Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . . *Palestinian terrorists attacked Israeli motorists with “rocks” and Molotovs between Elon Moreh and Itamar, in Gush Etzion, at … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged “Let’s Trash Israel” lecture circuit, b'tselem, beit ummar, breaking the silence, cave of the patriarchs, elon moreh, ethnically cleansed, hadassah ein kerem, hebron, hevron, Israel, itamar, jordanians, lung transplant, mohammad al kurd, molotovs, my neighborhood, national transplant center, palestinian medical tourism, pallywood, pediatric oncology, saeb erekat, sheikh jarrar, Shimon HaTzaddik, solidarity movement, stabbing attack, The New Israel Fund, yeshivat chumash, yihye sanwar | Comments Off on Evicted After 50 Years! A Happy Ending For the Shamesneh Sqatters