Tag Archives: sister city

The BDS Attempt To Rewrite History: Ashkelon (Part 1)

UPDATE 11 am Israel time Saturday: Palestinian Hamas terrorists continue shooting mortars continue out of Gaza at the people of southern Israel with at least 5 fired in the last 24 hours. TODAY’S BLOG: The enemies of Israel continue to wage … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1948, 3000 years, accepted, activists, ad halom, al majdal, ancient, arab armies, arab league, ashdod, ashkelon, ashkelon history, asqalan, BDS, beersheva, bombing, boycott divest sanction, california, city council, counter, delegitimization, economic union, Egypt, emails, enemies, facts, falsehoods, general assembly, generations, hevron, history, independent arab and jewish states, infantry advance, invaded, Israel, isreal, jewish agency, jewish communities, jewish roots, letters, majdal, may 14 1948, may 24 1948, middle east, mortars, most storied cities, naval forces, negev, no rights, no sisters, november 29 1947, offensive, opportunity, Palestinian, palestinian arab higher committee, palestinian authority, palestinian families, petition, plo, population, proposal, reject, rejected, resolution 181, rewrite, ruins, sacramento, sister city, southern israel, spearheaded, tel aviv, telephone calls, terrorists, town, united nations, venue, wage war, worldwide, yad mordechai | Comments Off on The BDS Attempt To Rewrite History: Ashkelon (Part 1)