Tag Archives: soccer team

“We Want To Speak The Language That Jesus Spoke”: The Revival Of Aramaic in Jish, Israel

UPDATE 6 pm Israel time Monday: At 3:30 pm, there were reports of skirmishes along the Gaza border between IDF forces and Palestinian terrorists who fired mortars into Israel. Do you remember yesterday’s blog about how the Israeli media does … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 15th century, 1837, a long time ago, abatalion, aramaic, assault, b'tselim, beit jala, biased, border, burial caves, christian, christians, daniel, distort, don't, earthquake, eighth grade, enduring, ethnic, extinguish, ezra, fall, fires, galilee, Gaza, greek orthodox, gush halav, hebrew, human rights, IDF, Israel, Israeli, isreal, jesus, Jewish, jewish war, jews, jish, joel, josephus, Judea, knife, language, last city, leftist, line, mar afram, maronite christian, mausoleum, media, ministry of education, minorities, mortar, mouth, muslims, newspaper, organization, Palestinian, parents, paul, population, priests, prophet, refugees, religious, reportage, revival, romans, roots, safed, sages, Samaria, satellite tv, saturday, saul, semitic, shmaya, shot, skirmishes, soccer team, spoke, St. Paul, start, stomach, support, Sweden, synagogues, syriac, syrianska fc, tannach, teach aramaic, terrorists, testament, tradition, Turkish, Tzfat, understand, update, video, village, we used to speak it, we want to speak the language, yizhar | Comments Off on “We Want To Speak The Language That Jesus Spoke”: The Revival Of Aramaic in Jish, Israel