Tag Archives: solidarity

From Iceland To Norway: Crackpots Galore

UPDATE: The Israel Supreme Court has ruled that the second stage of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange must proceed because Israel “must keep its commitment” to Hamas. 550 prisoners will be released on Monday. Unbelievable. TODAY’S BLOG There must be … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1948 armistice, 550 prisoners, academic, anders, attacks, avoid, bomb, borders, breivik, commitment, contact, court, crackpot, detractors, diplomatic, Egypt, europe, extremist, fire, foreign affairs, foreign minister, galore, Gaza, Gilad Shalit, hamas, hotel, Iceland, Israel, Israeli, jordan, journal, judeo christian, July, july 22 1946, justice, king david, lines, malki, mental health, minister, northern, norway, nytt norsk tidsskrift, ola, ossur, palestine, pre-1967, professor, recognize, riad, right-wing, rocket, schalit, skarphedinsson, slaughter, solidarity, statehood, support, supreme, swedish, terrorist, tunander, unbelievable, visit, war crimes | Comments Off on From Iceland To Norway: Crackpots Galore