Tag Archives: south africa

F.W. De Klerk on Israel, Apartheid, and Boycotts

16 Kislev 5776 Saturday, November 28 2015 UPDATES 11:00 AM 10:12 am: Palestinian stabbing attack thwarted. Terrorist armed with a knife captured at Bequa’ot Checkpoint. No Israelis wounded. UPDATES 10:00 AM ***Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours. It has been … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged apartheid, BDS, boycott, bulldozer attack, central command, criminally motivated, de klerk, fell apart, Israel, Judea, maelstrom, mandela, nationalistically motivated, nobel, Palestinian, recipe for disaster, roni numa, rules of engagement, Samaria, south africa, stabbing, terminology, terror, terrorist | Comments Off on F.W. De Klerk on Israel, Apartheid, and Boycotts