Tag Archives: south africa

November 29, 1947–A Day For Which We Should All Give Thanks!

Happy Chanukah! *In the last three days there have been 144 reports of “rock-throwing” Palestinian terrorists. One of the worst cases occurred in Jerusalem yesterday when 2 year old Abigail Ben Tzion was struck in the head by a “rock” … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 13 countries against, 33 in favor, 56 members of the united nations, abigail ben tzion, afghanistan, argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, brazil, Byelorussian SSR, Canada, Chile, China, close, colombia, costa rica, cuba, czechoslovakia, Denmark, dominican republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, four votes probably changed between November 26 and November 29, france, give thanks, Greece, guatemala, haiti, Honduras, Iceland, india, iran, iraq, Lebanon, liberia, luxembourg, Mada, mexico, miracle, mother, My daughter and my three grandchildren were out in a park and were on their way home to light Hanukkah candles, Netherlands, New Zealand, nicaragua, norway, november 26, november 29 1947, one country was absent, pakistan, Panama, paraguay, partition palestine, Peru, Phiippines, Poland, rebirth of israel, rock throwing, Saudi Arabia, shirin, south africa, struck in the head, Sweden, Syria, ten countries abstained, Thailand, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, They threw a 1.5 kg stone, turkey, Ukranian SSR, Uruguay, Venezuela, vote, we saw the infant was bleeding, Yemen, yugoslavia | Comments Off on November 29, 1947–A Day For Which We Should All Give Thanks!