Tag Archives: star of david

Another Wonderful Day Publicly Supporting Israel!

7 Iyar 5778 22 April 2018   Special Notice: Please note that your humble servant returned to his second home Thursday night in northern California. Until I return to Israel in June, israelstreet blogs will be posted in the mornings, Pacific Standard Time, … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged Actions speak louder than words, anti-Semitism rampant in the city, apartheid policies, applause, arson, art, art-wash, azzun, BDS, bds movement, beit ummar, books, broken nose, cause celebre, cinema, co-founder of My Brother’s Keeper International, coup, dance, Davis, disgusting website, Dov Ben Zion, emasculate the Knesset, fatah, front teeth, Gaza, Givot, gunfire, hamas, heroine, Hirbat al-Matzabah, hizma, horn in on, human rights violations, i love israel, I treasure my Israeli friends and family, intimidate Jewish students on the UCD campus, Israel, Israel High Court of Injustice, Israel-bashing tours, Israeli crimes, Israeli food, israelstreet blogs, Jerusalem, jewish voice for peace, karmi tzur, kate upton, King Salman, Knesset Ethics Committee, lecture tours, local high schools, Maayanot, molotovs, Nahalin, natalie portman, no honor among thieves, northern california, Pacific Standard Time, palace, palestinian terrorists, president, Psagot, rocks, Saudi Arabia, sinjil, star of david, swastikas, the Tekoa Junction in Gush Etzion, University of California-Davis Picnic Day Parade, We refuse to be cowed and intimidated, whitewash, who needs Natalie, With friends like Kate, Yosef Jabareen | Comments Off on Another Wonderful Day Publicly Supporting Israel!