Tag Archives: statehood

The Interview With Mahmoud Abbas You Won’t See: “I didn’t accept Olmert’s offer, and I would not accept the same offer from Netanyahu.”

UPDATE: 9 am Israel time Sunday: Overnight has seen an IDF contingent fired upon along the border with Gaza, and Israeli motorists injured by “rock” throwing Palestinian terrorists in Samaria. An estimated 20,000 people (mostly reservists in the IDF) marched … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1967 lines, 2000, Abu Mazen, arabic, ben gurion, best deal ever, border, channel 2, commission, condoleeza rice, contingent, danny koshmero, draft, ehud barak, ehud olmert, english, exempt, financial reparations, fire, Gaza, hebrew, human rights, i cant tell 4 million palestinians, IDF, interview, Israel, israel foreign ministry, Israeli, isreal, isreali, Jerusalem, Jewish, Judea, leader, liar, Mahmoud Abbas, march, motorists, muqata, national service, Netanyahu, no jewish state, not allowed into the country, olmerts offer, one people one draft, oslo, Palestinian, palestinian authority, peace, plo, president, prime minister, ramallah, release prisoners, return of refugees, rock throwing, Samaria, settlements, shaul mofaz, shocked, statehood, struggle, tal law, tel aviv, terrorists, the dream is gone, tv, ultra orthodox, united nations, universal enlistment, update, west bank, wide gaps remain, yeshiva | Comments Off on The Interview With Mahmoud Abbas You Won’t See: “I didn’t accept Olmert’s offer, and I would not accept the same offer from Netanyahu.”