Tag Archives: states

The 10 Worst Decisions That Israeli Governments Have Ever Made (Pt. 1)

UPDATE: Israel Air Force bombs empty buildings in Palestinian terrorist Gaza overnight in response to rocket fire yesterday at citizens of southern Israel. IDF arrests 7 wanted Palestinians. TODAY’S BLOG: There has been much talk in the news here in … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 10, 1956, air, air force, arrest, arrests, asher, beck and call, begin, ben gurion, border, bribe, casualties, catastrophe, citizens, civil authority, concessions, dayan, decisions, egyptian, eisenhower, emigrate, errors, evacuation, evict, fedayeen, fire, force, four, gas, Gaza, golda, government, Hezbollah, IDF, immigrate, indefensible, indicted, invincibility, islam, islamic, Israel, Israeli, Jewish, jewish quarter, jews, jihad, judaization, Judea, judenrein, Knesset, land for peace, Lebanon, left-wing, meir, menachem, mistakes, Morocco, moshe, mossad, mount, muhammad, myth, nationalist, november, november 27 1961, oil, operation, oufkir, Palestinian, palmer, peace treaty, police, pray, president, protect the mount, ramp, raze, regret, religious, rocket, russian, Samaria, scandal, sinai, south, southern, sphere of influence, states, suez crisis, suspects, Syria, taba, temple, terrorist, torah, u.s., UN, unilateral, united, united nations, wakf, walkway, weakness, withdraw from sinai, withdrawal, worshiper, worst, yakhin, yamit, yom kippur | Comments Off on The 10 Worst Decisions That Israeli Governments Have Ever Made (Pt. 1)