Tag Archives: strait of hormuz

Propping Up The Autocratic Monarchies of Jordan and Saudi Arabia: Joint American-Arab Military Exercises

UPDATE 6 pm Israel time Tuesday: At 1:44 pm this afternoon, Shin Bet announced that another cell of Palestinian terrorists attempting to kidnap Israelis has been broken up. Consisting of terrorists from Hevron and Gaza calling themselves “The Holy Warriors … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 12000, 2012, administration, air, aircraft carrier, al-aqsa, american, aqaba, arab, armored, assad, autocratic, beaches, border, broken up, capture, cell, eager lion, eilat, exercises, fatah, Gaza, hamas, hebron, hevron, hold, holy warriors brigades, IDF, ied, indefinite, iran, iranian threat, ironic, islands, Israel, israelis, isrealis, james mattis, joint, jordan, kidnap, marine, martyrs, military, monarchies, mountains, mubarak, northern jordan, Obama, Palestinian, persian gulf, postpone, President obama, prop up, Qatar, red sea, revolutionary guards, Saudi Arabia, shaky, shariya, shin bet, soldiers, special forces, strait of hormuz, support, Syria, syrian, take precedence, terrain, terrorists, threw under the bus, uae, United Arab Emirates, update | Comments Off on Propping Up The Autocratic Monarchies of Jordan and Saudi Arabia: Joint American-Arab Military Exercises