Tag Archives: Taiwan

“Any Israeli writer pairs nicely with a limonana.”

24 Adar 5778 11 March 2018   Quote of the Day: “We are working for a stable government that will work until the end of the term in November 2019. We have great achievements and no small tasks ahead of … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 2800 vehicles per kilometer of road, A government of 61 seats is unsustainable, Ahmed Majdalani, Austria, avigdor lieberman, Ayelet Shaked and Naftali Bennett, beit lahiya, Bialik Street, Bolivia, British Police Junction, canceled, Chaim Bialik, compromise, Czech Republic, Dublin, Ein, Eretz Israel Museum, Finland, gabon, Gaza, guatemala, hizma, humanitarian crisis, idf recruits, insanely discriminatory, ireland, Israel, Israel is one of the worst countries in the world, Johannesburg, limonana, Luban a-Sharqiya, Mazra, metal detectors, molotovs, Morocco, near Jayyus, New Zealand, None of the 10 gates through which Muslims access the Mount have metal detectors, northern gaza, not a humanitarian one, november 2019, one of the five most creative cities in the world, one of the ten most literary cities in the world, palestinian terrorist, Palestinians, Panama, paris, People Of the Book, Philippines, portable beach libraries, Rachel the Poet, rocks, Sao Paulo, senegal, seoul, shechem, shot and klled, Spain, stable government, Sweden, Taiwan, tajikistan, tel aviv, temple mount, Thailand, the murders of the two Israeli Druze policemen, the smartest city in the world, the world’s most important innovation center outside of the U.S., traffic congestion, Uganda, World Book Day | Comments Off on “Any Israeli writer pairs nicely with a limonana.”