Tag Archives: terror cells

And the Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize is . . . Vladimir Putin! (LOL)

UPDATES 10 am Israel time, Tuesday, September 10 2013: *Another horrific attack on an Israeli woman as she was driving on the Mt. of Olives last night to visit her mother’s grave–again miraculously resulted in no physical injuries to the … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 11 countries, 36 gold coins, a rock in the car seat, adornment, aipac, amateurish, ammunition, aramaic, armed assd to the teeth, articulate a strategic reason, assad, assault, attack, barack obama, barbaric, binyamin regional brigade commander, bombs, byzantine era, chemical weapons, congressional approval, crude, debacle, delayed vote, despotic, diesel fuel, diminished world power, dmz, emotional trauma, ever diminishing, exemptions, faux, gas attack, gasoil, golan heights, gold, helicopters, high up in his tree, horrific, hosni mubarak, humiliating defeat, inept, iranians, iron dome, islamists, israeli woman, Jerusalem, jewish treasure, judea and samaria, kerrys bumbling, khamenei, kissing putin in his dreams, limited strike, lol, maaloula, military action, mt. of olives, muslim world, Netanyahu, no other conclusions to draw, no problem procuring uranium, nobel peace prize, nobelesque, not capable, nuclear weapons program, off of his limb, oversee the dismantling of the hezbollah arsenal, patrol the border, patrol the golan heights, peaceful bright side, perhaps putin deserves a medal, president obama never wanted to attack syria, president obama would never lead a strike against iran, psychological swab, putin wink, red line, refined, rifles, russian missiles, russian peacekeepers, russians oversee, s300, sanctions, shofar, shooting down, smokescreen, sniper, southern lebanon, stop the united states, Syria, syrian christian, syrian mess, syrian missiles, syrian rebels, tawdry chapter, terror cells, the bottom line is not syria, the times of israel, this is not even debatable, throwing under the bus, too many centrifuges, too many hardened bunkers, too many locations, torah, torah scroll, united nations, us foreign policy is in shambles, us senate, vladimir putin, weapons platforms, what unadulterated nonsense, yossi pinto | Comments Off on And the Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize is . . . Vladimir Putin! (LOL)