Tag Archives: terrorist

Esther’s Murderer Captured, Soldier Imprisoned, Young Men Released

Yom Shshee, Friday 10 TevetĀ 5781 December 25, 2020   Holiday Greetings! For those of you dear readers who celebrate the holiday, we at OneIsrael wish you a very Merry Christmas! Tsom Kal: Have An Easy Fast! As you can see … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 10th of tevet, ahuvya sandak, babylonian exile, babylonian siege, ballistic missiles, completely neutered by the IDF General Command, corona hotel, covid 19, daily corona update, december 25, destruction, dubai, esther horgan, ezra, fast, first temple, funded by the european union, Greek, holiday greetings, IDF, Israel, Jenin, Jerusalem, king ptolemy, lockdown, merry christmas, murderer, Nehemiah, oneisrael, quds force, salary from the plo, second temple, syrian, tenth of teveth, terrorist, tevet, torah, tura, uae, vaccinations | Comments Off on Esther’s Murderer Captured, Soldier Imprisoned, Young Men Released