Tag Archives: that they could somehow condone or accept Jewish building in Jerusalem and the West Bank

“In Honor of” John Kerry: Maoz Esther and Oz Zion

UPDATES 9 am Israel time, Thursday, November 7 2013: **The Sheba Farms area on the northern border with Lebanon was the scene of an attempted Hezbollah ambush and kidnapping of an IDF patrol early this morning. Details remain extremely sketchy … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 160 have fallen, 75 million, ambush, appeal, as a matter of going back to the talks, astonishingly, at no time did the Palestinians in any way agree, attorney general yehuda weinstein, bereaved familes, blasting israel, carlos slim, contempt, corrupt abbas, corrupt cronies, coughing up, destroyed, Egypt, ground is still shaking, Hezbollah, idf deliberately does not report, idf patrol, illegitimate, inept, infrastructure, ingratiate, iran, Israel, israeli attacks on jews, israeli concession talks, isreal, Jerusalem, john kerry, Judea, judenrein, kotel, lieberman, lying, Mahmoud Abbas, maoz esther, mobli, moscow, Netanyahu, oz zion, photo and videosharing, plo, putin, ramallah, rampage, rockets and mortar, Samaria, scathing attack on israel, shabaa farms, shaky, southern israel, synagogue, Syria, that they could somehow condone or accept Jewish building in Jerusalem and the West Bank, vendetta, war with hamas, warren buffet, western wall | Comments Off on “In Honor of” John Kerry: Maoz Esther and Oz Zion