Tag Archives: the sheer idiocy

Threats, Threats, And More Threats

22 Nissan 5780 16 April  2020   Quote of the Day ”The revolution began in 1965 and will continue until the flags of Palestine fly over Jerusalem and its holy sites.” Chairman of the PLO Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen), … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged a free and independent Palestine, anti-netanayhu laws, Beit Israel, calls into stark relief, chairman of the plo, cherry trees, critical condition, daily corona update, dead, degania dam, established by the elimination of Israel, Ezra Torah, gantz, Givat Mordechai, Givat Shaul, handel, hauser, Israel, israel water authority, jerusalem neighborhoods, jordanian farmers, kibbutz etzion, Kineret, Kiryat Moshe, Knesset, lockdowns, Mahmoud Abbas, mea shearim, Mosrara House, mother of the terrorist, Nahalot, Netanyahu, Netanyahu has turned over the keys to the kingdom to Gantz and his cohorts, Neve Yaacov, nof, Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, pumping water out, Rama, ramat eshkol, ramot, Rehavia between KKL-JNF and Ramban Streets, respirators, rivlin, Sanhadriya, shlomo, shmuel, Tel Erza, terrorist Khalil al-Wazir, the flags of Palestine fly over Jerusalem and its holy sites, the horrific murders of Ziv Hajbi and Kim Yehezkel-Levengrond, the sheer idiocy, Western leaders display, when they call on Israel to negotiate with Abbas and the PLO | Comments Off on Threats, Threats, And More Threats