Tag Archives: thunderstorms

Two More Bizarre Court Cases: A Palestinian Terrorist Released, An Israeli Border Guard Imprisoned

10 Iyar 5778 25 April 2018     SPECIAL NOTICE: Severe weather has struck Israel in the last few hours. Electrical blackouts have covered the country, and sandstorms, hail storms, and thunderstorms have hit from Haifa to the Negev Desert. At the … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 140 grape vines, 30 top palestinian officials, abu dis, accidental mistake, al Mu'ayyir, ballistic missiles, beit anun, Beituniya, Border Policeman, bullet in him, charged with murder, confederation, damage to property, disgrace, El Aruv, Electrical blackouts, etty kreif, flash flood, golf ball sized hail, gunshot wound, haifa, hail storms, hawara, hazardous conditions, hevron, hizma, how low the Israel judical system has fallen, identify the defendant, iran, Israel, issawiya, jordan, jordan valley, live ammunition, lost Jordanian citizenship, macron, Mahmoud Abbas, matched the shoes, mizpe ramon, Moshav Beit Yitzhak, Moshav Tomer, nakba day, negev desert, netanya magistrates court, orange warning, Palestinian agricultural terrorism, palestinian terrorism, PLO and Hamas, possession of burglary devices, road 40, rubber bullets, sandstorms, severe weather, tekoa, the Tapuach Junction, those who fight to destroy Israel and those who fight to defend it, thunderstorms, trump, violent riots, white stuff, yitzhar | Comments Off on Two More Bizarre Court Cases: A Palestinian Terrorist Released, An Israeli Border Guard Imprisoned