Tag Archives: ties

The Convoluted, Masochistic Reasoning Of The Obama Administration

UPDATE: No terrorist events reported overnight. Shocking (what a joke!) news–Egypt’s Islamist parties have won 65% of the votes in the first of three elections. TODAY’S BLOG Yesterday, we saw yet another stark example of how the Obama Administration, despite … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged Abbas, administration, all, allied, apologize, balfour declaration, bridge, Brookings, christian, commandos, commonwealth, congress, contravention, convoluted, damned table, deadly, december 3 1924, defense, diplomatic, doesn't understand, downgrade, east, Egypt, Erdogan, establishment, fire, Flotilla, force, gestures, hamas, history, holy, home, IHH, institution, international, irrevocable, isolation, Israel, Israeli, Jerusalem, Jewish, jewish quarter, jihad, jordan, jordan river, judaizing, kill, king abdullah, law, leon, mahmoud, march 3 1919, masochistic, mediterranean sea, membership, mend fences, middle, mubarak, mughrabi, national, nations, non-jewish, nonsense, Obama, old city, palestine, Palestinian, panetta, peace, places, problems, reasoning, rebuked, religious, responsibility, rests, right, rockets, secretary, settle, shoulders, sinai, soldiers, solved, southern, squarely, terrorists, throw under the bus, ties, took office, turkey, U.N., u.s., united nations, utter, wilson, woodrow | Comments Off on The Convoluted, Masochistic Reasoning Of The Obama Administration