Tag Archives: tires

Of Dogs And Little Girls: The Cynical Use of Photographs To Attack Israel

UPDATE: 5:00 pm Saturday Israel Time. Since yesterday’s blog, the “ceasefire” has remained intact–Israel has not fired a shot. On the other hand, the terrorists in Gaza have fired two missiles and two mortars at the citizens of southern Israel. … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged a single shot, ahmad, al qaeda, arrest, assaults, attack, badawi, barbarity, bleeding, blog, border, brutality, burning, cease, ceasefire, child, children, citizens, cynical, defend, demonstrator, dogs, don't believe, falling off, father, fire, Gaza, grave, guards, hamas, hand, honest reporting, humble servant, IDF, injures, injury, intact, islamic jihad, Israel, Israeli, isreal, isreali, Judea, khulud, kill, killed, leftists, little girls, media, men, missiles, mortars, mosque, muslims, never, not fired, palestine, Palestinian, photographs, pictures, playground, police, protester, protestor, pry, qaddum, recovered, relative calm, rocks, Samaria, shatwi, southern, swing, teeth, terrorists, terrorize, throw, tires, took place, two, UN, united nations, unjustified, update, women, worker | Comments Off on Of Dogs And Little Girls: The Cynical Use of Photographs To Attack Israel