Tag Archives: transfer

Three Reasons We Should Love Hamas (as reported in the Israeli media yesterday)

UPDATE: 6 pm Friday. At 1:33 pm this afternoon, the entire Ashkelon region received an incoming terrorist rocket alert. It was later “officially reported” that one rocket had been fired by Palestinian Hamas terrorists who were trying to kill southern … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged "Popular Resistance Committees, 24 hours a day, 300 man force, activist, alert, ashkelon, attack, attacks, bend over backwards, bloggers, bombed, cameras, chief of police, co-founder, comedic, confiscate, defender, deputy, despicable, electricity, embrace, emotional trauma, extremist, fathi hammad, foil, free speech, gaza city, haaretz, hamas, hamas interior minister, human rights, huwaida arraf, idiotic, in the world, incoming, interests, international solidarity, iran, islamic, islamic jihad, Israel, israelis, isreal, laughable, literary expression, love, man of peace, media, missile, mistake, mortars, movement, official, on the spot, open investigation, organization, Palestinian, palestinian american, palestinian literature festival, palestinian people, peace, personal property, phones, poets, political, portray, qassam, region, released, report, rocket, shame, southern, terrorist, three reasons, threw out, to hamas, transfer, update, utterly, venue, what in the world, won't attack israel, writers | Comments Off on Three Reasons We Should Love Hamas (as reported in the Israeli media yesterday)