Tag Archives: Turmusayya

From Worse To Even Worse: From the Ridiculous to the Absurd

BREAKING NEWS! 7:55 pm Thursday: Palestinian terrorist in Afula stabs IDF soldier at least twice in the chest. Soldier seriously wounded. Terrorist captured by civilians. 3:44 pm Thursday: Palestinian terrorist stabs 25 year-old Israeli in Kiryat Arba beside Hebron. Victim … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 25 tishrei, A-Ram, Abigail, abu dis, Akko, al bireh, al fawwar, Al Gibb, al khader, Anatot, anun, arab, At Tur, Azariah, azzun, ban, bar kochba, beit el, Beit Horon, beit shemesh, beit ummar, Beqa’ot, bethlehem, Bidu, Bilin, budrus, cave, elazar, elon moreh, freeze construction, Gaza, halhul, hebron, hizma, Husan, iksa, Issawya, jaffa, jericho, jit, kiryat arba, Knesset, kotel, laugh, lod, Luban al-Sharqiya, maon, Massengill, migdalim, Mount Hebron, mount of olives, muslim, nabi saleh, Nazareth, neve tzuf, october 8 2015, old city, Palestinian, Psagot, qalandiya, qalqilya, rachels tomb, ras al-Amud, Shavei Shomron, silwan, sinjil, smart fence, spit, stab, temple mount, terrorist, the Governor’s Palace, tulkarem, Tura al Gharbiya, Turmusayya, umm al fahm, Umm Tuba, western wall, yatta, yitzhar | Comments Off on From Worse To Even Worse: From the Ridiculous to the Absurd