Tag Archives: tzipi livni

Why Do New Immigrants Keep Pouring Into Israel?

22 Tevet 5779 30 December 2018     Picture of the Day: The Jordanians continue rubbing our faces in the dirt at every opportunity. Ghunaimat was attending a meeting of Jordan’s Union of Engineers yesterday and happily walked across the Israeli flag which … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged Administrative Courts Law, aliya, antisemitism, ayelet shaked, bennett, dead sea canal, drain the kineret dry, france, HaYemin HeHadash, illegal Arab takeover of land, Israel, israeli flag, Jabotinsky Conference of Leadership, Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee, jordan, kowtow, peace agreement, politically correct rhetoric, reform judaism, refuge, russia, safe haven, temple mount, trampling, tzipi livni, ukraine, US, western wall | Comments Off on Why Do New Immigrants Keep Pouring Into Israel?