Tag Archives: UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Another Judicial Decision Puts Our Soldiers and Citizens At Risk

7 Nissan 5778 23 March 2018   The Outrageous Quote of the Day: “The conviction and sentencing of Ahed Tamimi is emblematic of how the unresolved conflict is blighting the lives of a new generation . . . The treatment of … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 000 shekels, a possible terror attack, ahed tamimi, alistair burt, Arik Ascherman, attacks on a firefighters attempted to extinguish an arson fire between Ma’ale Levona and Singil, attacks on buses at Havat Gilad and the Gush Etzion Road near Karmei Tzur, Bab a-Zawiya, babied by the world, beit ummar, belligerent, Bilin, biting soldiers, blighting, budrus, burin, car full of suicide bombers, conviction, El Aruv, family of the dead woman 910, hawara, hizma, human rights priority, IDF position on Route 55 near Azzun, illegally entered israel, international law, Israel, jerusalem magistrates court, Jewish households in Israel are in debt, judea and samaria, Judge Mordechai Burshtein, just outside of Ramallah, kicking soldiers, land sellers are killed, Mazrat al-Garbiya, military detention, Minister for the Middle East, mortgage debt, on the Tunnel Road, palestinian children, Pallywood actress, plea deal, provoke IDF soldiers, Qadum, rabbis for human rights, selling land to Jews, sentencing, slapping soldiers, spitting on soldiers, Tayush, tekoa, terror, the soldier did not respond, the Tapuach Junction, trashing israel, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, utter gall, yitzhar | Comments Off on Another Judicial Decision Puts Our Soldiers and Citizens At Risk