Tag Archives: unbelievable

President Obama: Selling Out Israel For A Song

UPDATE: 7 pm Saturday: At 5:57 pm, an Israeli motorist driving near Qalqilya was assaulted with a bottle thrown against his windshield. TODAY’S BLOG: Dear reader, try to wrap your mind around this: President Obama, the same president who announced … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged accept, again, ali, anti-Israel, assaulted, astonishing, barack, bizarre, bottle, civilian, deliver, emissary, Erdogan, for thought, gulllibility, has Israels back, hussein, iran, Israel, Israeli, isreal, khamenei, leader, message, motorist, naivete, never pursue, nuclear, nuclear weapons, Obama, on the road, pause, people, possesses, president, prime minister, producing, program, promise, qalqilya, rational, recep, selling out, seoul, sheer disregard, supreme, tayyip, thrown, try to, Turkish, u.s., unbelievable, united states, windshield, wrap your mind | Comments Off on President Obama: Selling Out Israel For A Song