Tag Archives: unilateral

There Will Never Be Peace With The Palestinians

UPDATE: IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING PM NETANYAHU’S UN SPEECH LAST NIGHT, SOUTHERN ISRAEL WAS PUT BACK ON HIGHEST TERRORIST ALERT. If you are reading this blog today, it means that you know what happened at the United Nations last night. Mahmoud Abbas’ … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged Abbas, abbas speech, bitter, colonialism, concessions, council, dayenu, defense, dejudaization, enough, Gaza, haifa, hate, history, ignorant, incite, Israel, Jerusalem, jesus, Jew, Jewish, judaism, left, lesson, monday, muhammad, nakba, nations, negotiations, Netanyahu, netanyahu speech, occupation, Palestinian, passover, plo, proposal, quartet, refugees, restart, security, seder, speech, statehood, tel aviv, transcript, unilateral, united | Comments Off on There Will Never Be Peace With The Palestinians