Tag Archives: united states

The Dark Comedy of Yesterday’s Russian Attacks in Syria

Breaking News: 9:25 pm Thursday: Israeli couple shot to death while driving in their car near Elon Moreh in Samaria. 4 children in the car also wounded. 1:36 pm Thursday: Mother and 6-month-old infant wounded in Palestinian “rock” attack nearĀ Tekoa. … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 18 Tishrei, aircraft, al-aksa, anti-Israel, appeasement, ashton carter, assad, b'tselem, border, crimea, euros, Gaza, givati parking lot, hamas, hebron, IDF, ied, iran, Islamic state, Israel, Jerusalem, karmi tsur, kerry, knife, launch, lod, Mahmoud Abbas, naive, Netherlands, nuclear, Obama, October 1 2015, Palestinian, pharmacy checkpoint, pipe bomb, policewoman, russian, settlements, soldier, speech, stab, syrian rebels, terrorist, thursday, tulip, united nations, united states, weak | Comments Off on The Dark Comedy of Yesterday’s Russian Attacks in Syria