Tag Archives: voila

Using The Holocaust To Attack Israel

UPDATE: Residents of southern Israel bombarded overnight with at least 3 Qassam rockets (Chof Ashkelon, Sha’ar Hanegev, Eshkol region) and mortar fire (Nahal Oz). TODAY’S BLOG: Your humble servant finds it appalling that world leaders believe that condemning what happened … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 2011 amnesty international, 34 survived, 772 jews, absurdity, armed, ashkelon, assault, at every turn, attack, auschwitz, blame, bombarded, complicity, concentration camps, cross border, delegitimizes, demise, deportation, donau, eshkol, great pains, green light, hamas, hanegev, Hezbollah, high ground, holocaust, hypocritical, IDF, Israel, isreal, january 28 1999, jens, jews, kidnapped, mandate, missiles, moral, mortar, Nahal Oz, nazis, norway, norwegian, on the front lines, policemen, pompous, prime minister, qassam, raids, report, resolution 1223, rockets, rounding up, security council, self-righteous, shoah, six milion, soil, soldiers, southern, southern lebanon, stoltenberg, supports, terrorists, this day in israeli history, thousands, to the teeth, trucks, unifil, united nations, update, voila, world leaders, world war II | Comments Off on Using The Holocaust To Attack Israel