Tag Archives: weak

The U.N, the E.U., and “Human Rights” NGOs: Using the Tools of Anti-Semites

UPDATE 10 am Israel time Tuesday: The people of southern Israel have lived most of the last two days being traumatized either inside or within 15 seconds of their bomb shelters.  In the midst of all of the rocket (41) … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1967, american jew, anti semism, APRODEV, BDS, benjamin netanyahu, blindly, blog, bomb shelters, boycott divest sanctions, boycotts, brave warriors, Broederlijk Delen, Caabu (UK), california, CCFD - Terre Solidaire, chechens, Christian Aid, Church of Sweden, civil liability, condemn, conflict, convoluted reasoning, Cordaid (Netherlands), criminal, DanChurchAid (Denmark), demonization, Diakonia (Sweden), divorced from reality, ebrahim ebrahim, escalation, ethnic, ethnically cleansed, eu, european union, exports, FinnChurchAid, foment, food coop, Gaza, grossly biased, hamas, hans van den broek, human rights, ICCO (Netherlands), IDF, IKV Pax Christi, increase, International Federation for Human Rights, international law, israeli products, Jerusalem, jewish state of israel, Judea, leadership, Medical Aid for Palestinians, medico international (Germany), medico international (Switzerland), missiles, mortars, national, nazis, ngos, Norwegian People’s Aid, Norweigan Church Aid, not to respond, obsessive, occupied, onslaught, palestinian holocaust, Palestinians, pathetically, phosphorous, punish, Quaker Council for European Affairs, Quaker Peace and Social Witness, richard falk, russians, Samaria, settlement expansion, single out, south africa, special rapporteur, susan rice, territorial, terrorists, The Methodist Church in Britain, tibetans, trading away peace, Trocaire, UN, united nations, weak, Yigal palmor | Comments Off on The U.N, the E.U., and “Human Rights” NGOs: Using the Tools of Anti-Semites