Tag Archives: When you have to shoot shoot

What do AIPAC, the Democrats in the U.S. Congress, the Jerusalem Post, the PLO, the “European Union”, and major religious denominations in the U.S. all have in common?

19 Sivan 5780 11 June 2020     “Requote” Of the Day “When you have to shoot, shoot; don’t talk.” Avigdor Lieberman on Facebook yesterday urging PM Netanyahu to get on with sovereignty/annexation and stop talking about it. Your humble … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged annexation, area c, Church of Christ, devoid of morality, don't talk, eli wallach, etihad, green light, Israel, lieberman, Lutheran Church, methodist church, Palestinians, plo, Presbyterian Church, relocate, sanctimonious fools, sovereignty, the daily corona update, the good the bad and the ugly, tuco, uptick, What in the world has happened to AIPAC, When you have to shoot shoot | Comments Off on What do AIPAC, the Democrats in the U.S. Congress, the Jerusalem Post, the PLO, the “European Union”, and major religious denominations in the U.S. all have in common?