Tag Archives: white house lawn

The Outright Fraud Of The “Oslo Peace Accords”

UPDATE 11 am Israel time Friday: There were no reports of Palestinian terrorism overnight. Tens of thousands of Jews were present at the Kotel (Western Wall) during the night praying Selichot prayers (prayers asking for forgiveness) in advance of Yom … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged al hamishmar, Barak, bill clinton, callous, cancel, complicity, confederates, david ben gurion, destruction of israel, diverse, eastern, fraud, gigantic, glorious, graves, har herzl, iconic photograph, international legitimacy, israeli press, Jerusalem, judea and samaria, kotel, menachem begin, minimum number of delegates, minions, mount of olives, mt herzl, murders, neighborhoods, never, no vote was ever taken, officials preferred to hide that detail, olmert, oslo peace accords, outright, palestinan, palestinian covenant, peres, pines, pinhas inbari, pisgat zeev, plo executive committee, police force, presidents, prime ministers, promise of peace, ratified, sde boker, second palestinian intifada, selichot, september 13 1993, sharon, shimon ha tzaddik, shoafat, shuafat, suicide bombings, territory, terrorism, theodor herzl, tombstones, tourists, tunis, united nations, unitlateral, western wall, white house lawn, yasser arafat, yitzhak rabin, yom kippur, zeev jabotinsky, zionist entity | Comments Off on The Outright Fraud Of The “Oslo Peace Accords”