Tag Archives: Will Israel agree to release terrorists who have killed more than one Israeli or not

Will “heavy” Palestinian murderers of more than one Israeli be released or not?

UPDATES 9 am Israel time, Sunday, October 27 2013: **The time in Israel moved back an hour at 2 am this morning bringing summer to an official end. Sunset today will be at 4:59 pm. **There was a particularly egregious … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged abraham, al fawwar, bayit yehudi, beersheva, billion dollars, burial place, busload, Cairo, die is cast, disarray, Egypt, egyptian army, end, fathi hamad, flourising, freeze construction, freezing settlement construction, Gaza, genesis 23:1, genesis 25:18, gulf countries, hamas, heavy, hebron, Israel, isreal, jewish home, jewish homes, judea and samaria, livni, Mada, moderate wounds, moscow, murderers, murders, naftali bennett, netanyahu government, Palestinian, palestinian girl, parlance, pictures at j street, pictures with kerry, prisoners, red crescent, releasing terrorists, rock throwing attacks, saeb erekat, sarah, shabbat chayei sarah, shattered glass, shock, shoot all protesters in the head, shopping spree, shrapnel, soroka hospital, students, summer, sunset, terrorists, time in israel, torah portion, Tzipi Livni never met a photographer she didn't like, Will Israel agree to release terrorists who have killed more than one Israeli or not | Comments Off on Will “heavy” Palestinian murderers of more than one Israeli be released or not?