Tag Archives: women for the holy temple organization

“Our Neighbors Teach Their Little Children To Murder Jews”

UPDATE 5:30 pm Israel time, Tuesday, September 24: *Please note that today’s blog appears later than normal because of the fact that your humble servant has been marching in Jerusalem today–and will report on that experience tomorrow. As part of our … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged absurd agreement, back down, bat yam, building accelerated, closed, collect donations, commitment, core issue, eloquent, eternal capital, explicit, fogel family, funeral, gal kobi, gratifying, haifa, hebron, highway 60, IDF, incitement, Israel, isreal, itamar, jaffa gate, jerusalem police, jewish blood, Knesset, lay down our weapons, little children, livni, molotov cocktail, most basic rights, mt. of olives, murder jews, muslim, naftali bennett, neighbors, no punishment for spilling it, old city, once again we stand and cry for a son who went out into the field but did not return, Palestinians, plo, rock, run away, sea of hatred, shed tears, shekels, shocked to discover, small booth, soldiers, sovereign state, sukkot, tapuach junction, teach, temple mount, terrorists, the cheapest commodity in the middle east, threat of violence, threats, to jews, unprecedented scandal, uri ariel, violation, we free terrorist murderers of jews, we will continue to build, we will do neither, we will never have peace with the palestinians, women for the holy temple organization, wounded | Comments Off on “Our Neighbors Teach Their Little Children To Murder Jews”