Tag Archives: yom kippur

How Long Until Trump Dumps U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman?

11 Tishrei 5778 1 October 2017    The News on the Israel Street MADA hard at work on Yom Kippur . . .  Yom Kippur has come and gone. As usual, we have the MADA report on medical incidents on the holiday. … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 14000 apartments, 2%, allegedly occupied, area c, bicycles, carrot and stick, david friedman, dimona, El Arub, electric bicycles, ethnically cleansing, greenblatt, gush etzion, har adar, highway 6, historical, hizma, hot water, Israel, joachimsen, judea and samaria, kushner, lieberman, Mada, murders, nationalistic, no jews allowed, norway, nuclear, palestinian terrorists, paramedics, pregnant women, qalqilya plan, rawabi, religious significance, road, skateboards, state department, tekoa, the settlements are part of israel, tillerson, traitor, trump, u.s. state department, vanunu, west bank, yom kippur | Comments Off on How Long Until Trump Dumps U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman?