7 Adar 5778
21 February 2018
Picture and Idiotic Quotes of the Day

A stupified-looking Israel Police Commissioner Roni Alsheich under attack before a Knesset panel yesterday (picture Yonatan Sindel, Flash90).
The question yesterday at the Knesset was whether Roni Alsheich is stupid, or just pretending to be stupid.
Every person in Israel knows that the police leak allegations about the Netanyahus everyday. Not a night goes by on the Israel evening news without some self-proclaimed “reporter” frantically revealing yet another juicy tidbit about Sarah and Bibi courtesy of the Israel Police (such as the latest ones last night concerning the Netanyahus, Walla, Bezeq, job offers, etc.).
And yet here we had Alsheich yesterday claiming that no Israel policeman ever leaks any information–this after he himself had leaked information on the television program Uvda last week.
Here were some gems from his testimony:
“The lawyers of suspects leak from the investigations and they speak to each other via the media.”
“Some people are trying to make it look like the police are leaking in order to make themselves look better in the eyes of the public.”
“There is no such thing that a police officer talks to a journalist.”
Your humble servant doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
The News on the Israel Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
*Cars smashed and burned, motorists physically wounded and emotionally traumatized: such was the state of affairs out in Judea and Samaria yesterday at such locations as Luban a-Sharqiya, Sinjil, Qalqilya, the road between Gush Etzion and Hevron, the road between Givat Assaf and Ofra, the road between Jerusalem and Maaleh Adumim, Uzrin, the Tapuach Junction, Al-Fawwar, Mount Hevron, Ma’ale Levona, Kiryat Arba, El Aruv, El Khader, Beit Ummar, Husan Bypass Road, Azzun, Turmus’ayya, Hizma, Karmei Tzur, the Tekoa Junction, and Jericho.
*Three Jewish youths who dared to defend themselves against an attack from Arabs in the Old City of Jerusalem were ordered released from custody by the Jerusalem District Court last night.
The young men were attacked and beaten up as they walked through the Old City. If you can believe this, when the police arrived, they arrested not only the Arab attackers, but also the young men who fought back–one of whom was seriously wounded in the face.
Fortunately there was a security camera in the area that recorded the entire incident, and once the videotape was shown to the judge, he immediately ordered the youth released.
Of course, the police had the videotape all along–why did they maliciously continue to hold the youth?
*Sgt. Shilo Siman Tov’s organs are donated . . .
Sgt. Siman Tov, who was killed in a bulldozer attack on Highway 6 last week (see yesterday’s blog), had requested his organs be donated in the event of his death. Six of his organs were transplanted yesterday–including one into a two and a half year old boy.
As Siman Tov’s father eulogized his son at the funeral yesterday: “My son saved people in life and even in death.”
By the way, the Israel Police are still refusing to call the terror attack that killed Sgt. Siman Tov and two others a terrorist attack.
Nikki Haley Tells It Like It Is, Again
The usually delusional Mahmoud Abbas was back at the United Nations yesterday with his usual delusional rant.
Starting with delusional Palestinian history which now dates back 5,000 years and ending with his delusional “multi-lateral plan” that replaces U.S. stewardship of the peace process with “multiple states” playing a role in “mediating negotiations on all final status issues”, Abbas once again ignored the practical reality of facts on the ground.
That reality was eloquently brought home by U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley who spoke after Abbas’ rant (and after she had been told several weeks ago by chief Palestinian “negotiator” Saeb Erekat to “shut up”):
“I will not shut up. Rather, I will respectfully speak some hard truths . . . This session on the Middle East has been taking place each month for many many years, its focus has been almost entirely on issues facing Israelis and Palestinians, and we have heard many of the same arguments and ideas over and over again, we have already heard them again this morning.
It is as if saying the same things repeatedly, without actually doing the hard work and making the necessary compromises, will achieve anything. . .
[The U.N. sits] here, month after month, and uses the most democratic country in the Middle East as a scapegoat for the region’s problems… but here we go again.”
She continued by referring to Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt who were sitting behind her:
“Our negotiators are sitting behind me. But we will not chase after you . . . You don’t have to like that decision (to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem). You don’t have to praise it. You don’t even have to accept this. But know this: That decision will not change . . . I assure you that [your current] path will get the Palestinian people exactly nowhere toward the achievement of their aspirations.”
What was Abbas’ reaction? He had none since he had run out of the room immediately after he spoke.
Just like the infantile Palestinians always do.
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