Yom Reva’ee
20 Adar II 5782
March 23 2022
Those Murdered in Beersheva Yesterday:
May Their Memories Always Be For A Blessing

Laura Yitzhak, top left; Rabbi Moshe Kravitsky top right; Doris Yachbas, lower left; Menahem Yehezkel, lower right.
The Bizarre Quote of the Day
“We will not rest until the terrorist who murdered this woman arrives at prison.”
Amar Bar Lev, Israel’s abominable Homeland Security Minister, speaking at the funeral of Doris Yachbas yesterday.
When Bar Lev spoke these words yesterday, those in attendance could not believe their ears. The terrorist who murdered Doris along with three more Israelis was shot and killed.
Is it really possible that Bar Lev did not know this?
Or is it more likely that Bar Lev was just reading from the standard speech he makes every time a terrorist murders Israelis?
The Correct Quote of the Day

The body of Menahem Yehezkel being taken to burial in Beersheva today (Photo: Olivier Fitoussi/Flash 90). .
At the funeral of Menachem Yehezkel, Education Minister Shasha Bitton attempted to speak but was heckled from the crowd:
“You are sitting with supporters of terrorism!”
The heckling was in regard to the fact that Bitton is sitting in a government that is being held together by the Islamist Ra’am Party.
The hecklers were absolutely correct.
The News on the Israeli Street
The daily Corona update . . .
13,384 new cases of Corona were confirmed yesterday bringing to 64,271 the total number of Israelis with an active case of Covid-19.
The positive test rate was 17.24%.
300 Israelis are in serious condition in hospitals with another 147 in critical condition on ventilators.
10,449 Israelis have died of Corona–18 since Monday.
Palestinian terror in the last 48 hours . . .
A knife-armed terrorist was captured at the Temple Mount this morning. This is what he had on him:
Palestinian terrorists using “rocks” and Molotovs attacked Israelis on Road 465 near Umm Safa, Singil, Huwara, Ras Karkar, Lubin a-Sharqiya, Tekoa, and at numerous other places.
Thank you to Josh at Rescue Without Boundaries for the above information and photo.
On Tuesday, three masked Palestinian terrorists attacked an Israeli car being driven near Na’alin.
In the car were two women, one of whom is 9 months pregnant. Both women were traumatized and one not pregnant was physically wounded.
Yesterday the pregnant woman’s husband, Shlomo Lerner, related what happened:
“The hallucinatory situation. Three masked terrorists standing by the road threw stones at them a few hundred meters before the police checkpoint, their vehicle was hit by at least four large stones . . . There is no deterrence . . . It’s the middle of the day and they are throwing stones. There was a police car 100 meters from them and they are not afraid. This was an attempted murder.”
The situation in Israeli prisons . . .
There is no end to the smuggling and weapons production that goes on in Israeli prisons. This morning, prison officials conducted a weapons search of the Hamas wing of Megiddo Prison:
More specifically: ️5 mobile phone heads, 9 chargers, ️17 improvised screwdrivers, ️4 improvised spikes, ️3 improvised soldering irons, 3 paint vials, ️1 bag of sealant, ️2 improvised chisels, ️4 headphones, ️2 improvised hammers, ️2 bit guides, ️2 bit guides, a “suicide” knife, ️and 1 Allen key.
The Unbelievable Coddling Of Terrorists
We noted in our blog yesterday that the murders of the 4 Israelis in Beersheva should have never happened.
The terrorist had been sentenced to prison for being a member of ISIS–but had been let free by a “leftist” judge after he “renounced” his ISIS affiliation. No one in his right mind would believe such a declaration except those in an Israeli judicial system run amok.
This morning comes news that another terrorist, Marad Barakat, the one who stabbed a passerby last Saturday in Jerusalem and was then shot in the stomach by police, has filed an urgent petition demanding that he be uncuffed from his hospital bed.
Inasmuch as the terrorist is still unconscious, the petition was filed by his Israeli lawyer with support from the director of Sha’are Zedek Hospital’s trauma unit, Dr. Alon Shwartz.
According to the petition, “any restriction on Barakat’s movement endangers his recovery.”
Dr. Shwartz continued: “Of course while anesthetized and respirated, the patient does not pose any risk, as he is unconscious. But even after we decide to remove the anesthesia and respiration, the patient must be allowed free movement in order to avoid complications.”
Can you believe this?
The final part of the petition reads that “Barakat’s restraint causes a daily violation of the Patient’s Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination, provides adequate medical care and preserves the patient’s dignity and privacy. . .”
Here we have a terrorist who tried to stab to death an Israeli in Jerusalem being treated in an Israeli hospital by Israeli doctors who want him “unshackled” and being represented by an Israeli lawyer who says his restraint is a violation of the Patient’s Rights Act.
It is just incredible. The terrorist should rot in the hospital or in prison. He forfeited all rights when he attempted murder.
But in all likelihood, a leftist judge will order the terrorist uncuffed, and in all likelihood he will go out and try to kill another Israeli as soon as he is able to. Unless, he tries to kill patients, nurses, and doctors in the hospital first.