Tag Archives: huge fire

Keeping Our Eyes On The Sovereignty Prize

10 Tammuz 5780 2 July 2020     Asinine Quotation of the Day “Israel’s annexation must not go without consequences. Together with our European partners we will look at how to respond crushingly.” French Foreign Minister Jean Yves Le Darien … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged arson, asinine, ateret cohanim, christians united for israel, daily corona update, election, evangelicas, french foreign minister, friends of zion, Har Bracha, huge fire, Israel's annexation must not go without consequences, Israel's sovereignty over eastern Jerusalem, Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights, Israel's sovereignty over the Temple Mount, Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, john hagee, mike evans, november, silwan, trump, trump administration, wadi hilweh | Comments Off on Keeping Our Eyes On The Sovereignty Prize