Tag Archives: no friend of israel

The Summer of 2012 Becomes The Spring of 2009: President Obama Attempts To Isolate Israel Again

UPDATE 4:30 pm Israel time Saturday: The IDF military censor has just released information that a Grad rocket fired by terrorists struck in the Ovda area of southern Israel at around 1 am last night. It is not clear whether … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged Abbas, against, amateurish, ameen makbul, attempts, badly, Barak, benjamin netanyahu, blame, blather, boycott, cessation, completely failed, concessions, david hale, democratically, demonstrations, different tack, elected, envoy, erred, folly, foreign policy, freeze, Gaza, goodwill gestures, government, ground, halt, have israel's back, hillary clinton, homes, hospitals, huge fire, ideas, immediate, in the short term, increasing anger, international pariah, isolate, Israel, isreal, Jerusalem, Jewish, Judea, mahmoud, Mahmoud Abbas, massive, middle east, movements, negotiating table, negotiation, never returned, new, no friend of israel, Obama, olmert, out of office, peace process, penchant, peres, plo, positive, predicated, president, propagate, rabin, ramallah, refusal, release prisoners, revive, saeb erekat, Samaria, schools, secretary of state, settlement construction, spring of 2009, stabbing israel in the back, stratagem, summer of 2012, take, two-faced, undermine, update, victoria nuland, washington | Comments Off on The Summer of 2012 Becomes The Spring of 2009: President Obama Attempts To Isolate Israel Again