Tag Archives: power to influence

The Strange Israeli Election Season Turns Even Dirtier

NUMBER OF DAYS UNTIL THE ISRAELI ELECTION: 1 ISRAELSTREET endorses NAFTALI BENNETT for Prime Minister Head of “HaBayit HaYehudi” (The Jewish Home) political party “We can’t have peace with the Palestinians. Enough. How long can we talk about this? We can only reach … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged bennett, block, center left, destroyed, dirty, dome of the rock, election seaon, facebook, graffiti, haifa, hate torah, holy books, ideological, ignominious, Israel, isreal, Jerusalem, jewish home, likud beiteinu, Netanyahu, or yehuda, ovadia yosef, Palestinian, power to influence, right, shas, tear gas, temple mount, terrorist, tzipi livni, unseemly, what in the world, wicked people | Comments Off on The Strange Israeli Election Season Turns Even Dirtier