UPDATE 7 pm Sunday: The Israel Supreme Court has lambasted the government today for attempting to delay the razing of the Ulpana neighborhood of Beit El–where Jewish community members have lived peacefully for decades. Yisrael Beiteinu, under the leadership of FM Avigdor Lieberman, has asked that a vote on the dissolution of the Knesset in the face of coming elections be postponed for one week so that the Knesset can vote to get rid of the Tal Law (which exempts religious yeshiva students from national service).

The Fogel family, mother Ruthie, father Udi, and children Elad, Yoav, and Hadas--all viciously stabbed to death by the Hakim and Ajmad Awad. Photo courtesy of the Itamar community.
The word has come down today from Israel’s so-called “military” leadership, Ehud Barak and Benny Gantz, that they will “apparently” approve a request by Shin Bet (the Israel Security Service) to destroy the homes of Hakim and Ajmad Awad–the proud slaughterers of the Fogel family in Itamar last March (Awad family members not only helped hide the murderers from the police but also concealed their weapons and destroyed evidence).
Your humble servant says that Barak and Gantz will “apparently approve” because there is always a caveat with this comic pair–this time they ostensibly want to wait for “legal approval”.
“Ostensibly” because IDF spokesman Brig. Gen. Yoav Mordechai was quick to release a letter that he had written to Barak and Gantz’s General Staff–a release to the media that could not have taken place without Barak and Gantz’s approval.
In that letter, Mordechai expressed Barak and Gantz’s real fear about the demolitions: “the demolition of houses at this stage could be interpreted as an act of vengeance which will lead to a flare-up in the area. . . and could lead to severe criticism in the media.”
Could be interpreted as an act of revenge? By whom? Palestinian terrorists?
Will lead to a flare-up in the area? By whom? Palestinian terrorists?
Could lead to severe criticism in the media? By whom? Apologists for Palestinian terrorists?
As your humble servant has been reporting for over a year now, the IDF has suddenly become afraid of its own shadow.
In southern Israel, the IDF has tolerated nonstop rocket fire from Palestinian Hamas terrorists in Gaza targeting Israeli men, women, and children because it is afraid of upsetting the Egyptians, it is afraid Hamas will fire missiles more deeply into central Israel, it is afraid of international reaction, it is afraid of media attention, it is afraid of, it is afraid of, it is afraid of . . .
The Shin Bet’s position is clear, as expressed yesterday by former head Yaakov Perry: “This is one of the most brutal terrorist attacks ever, and the Shin Bet thinks that demolition is a punitive step that may deter other terrorists from carrying out such tragic crimes.”
Your humble servant could not agree more and believes that the only reason such home demolitions were stopped back in 2005 was that Israel succumbed to international pressure. Not only should the Awads rot in jail but also their families should sleep on the street.
As noted in recent blogs, a list of vocabulary for Israel supporters to begin using is appended to this blog (and every blog for the next month).
1. Use ‘Judea and Samaria’ instead of ‘the West Bank‘.
2. Use ‘Jewish community’ instead of ‘settlement‘.
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3. Use ‘construction of Jewish homes, schools, and hospitals’ instead of ‘settlement activity‘.
4. Use ‘new Jewish communities’ instead of ‘outposts‘.
5. Use ‘Jewish community member’ instead of ‘settler‘.
6. Use ‘conservative politicians’ instead of ‘right-wing politicians‘.
7. Use ‘PLO’ or ‘Palestine Liberation Organization’ instead of ‘Palestinian Authority‘.
8. Use ‘Palestinian Islamic Terrorist Organization–HAMAS’ instead of merely ‘Hamas‘.
9. Use ‘Israeli men, women, and children’ instead of ‘Israeli citizens‘.
10. Use ‘Palestinian cities’ instead of ‘Palestinian refugee camps‘.
11. Use Palestinian ‘settlements’ instead of Palestinian ‘villages’ or ‘hamlets’.
12. Use Palestinian ‘settlers’ instead of Palestinian ‘farmers’ and ‘villagers’.
13. Use international ‘lawbreakers’ instead of international ‘activists’.
14. Use ‘the suicide bomber prevention fence instead of the ‘separation fence’ or ‘wall’.
15. Use ‘eastern Jerusalem’ or the ‘eastern neighborhoods of Jerusalem’ instead of East Jerusalem. The city of Jerusalem must never be divided again.