UPDATE 11 am Israel time Sunday:
The Chof Ashkelon region was rocketed overnight at 10:04 pm by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza who also fired mortars at the Eshkol region this morning at 7:58 am. In a so-called “response”, the IAF struck “terror hubs” (aka empty buildings) belonging to Hamas.
Today is just one of those days where everywhere your humble servant looks, he sees a distortion of reality so severe as to make him think he is living in a parallel universe.
Let’s begin with that Palestinian darling of the West, the maven of the international news media, the renowned member of the PLO Executive Committee, and always loquacious member of the Palestinian National Council–the one and only, Hanan Ashrawi.

There is no end to the lies that Palestinians tell: no Jewish history in Jerusalem, no Jewish history in Israel . . .and now straight from Hanan Ashrawi's mouth--"no persecution of Jews in Arab countries" and "no Jewish refugees."
In describing how the various Arab governments’ kicking out of 850,000 Jews in the years following 1948 was not really an act of “persecution”, Ashrawi penned these remarkable words in an article she distributed to Arab news outlets: “The claim that Jews who migrated to Israel, which is supposed to be their homeland, are ‘refugees’ who were uprooted from their homelands . . . is a form of deception and delusion.”
Deception and delusion? Following the November 1947 declaration of the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine (and long before that as well), Arabs killed hundreds of Jews in pogroms in Syria, Egypt, Morocco, Iraq, Yemen and elsewhere. Deprived of citizenship and other rights in many Arab countries, virtually every Jew in every Arab country had his or her property seized; in 2007, it was estimated that the total value of all Jewish property left behind in Arab countries was $300 billion dollars. All told, between 800,000 and 1,000,000 Jews fled or were expelled. If these Jews were not “persecuted” and were not “refugees”, your humble servant wonders what persecution is and who is a refugee.
The person committing deception and suffering from delusion is Hanan Ashrawi.
Let’s move on to the pompously titled “Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights on Palestinian Territories Occupied Since 1967”, the vicious designee of the United Nations Human Rights Council who never misses an opportunity to portray Israel to the world as the brutal oppressor of the “helpless victimized” Palestinians–the one and only, Richard Falk.
In the wake of the verdict in the Rachel Corrie case, which completely exonerated Israel from any wrongdoing in the death of the self-proclaimed “human rights” activist, Falk issued a statement demanding that Israel be charged for Corrie’s murder in international courts under the articles of the Geneva Convention. His statement reads in part (emphasis mine):
“On 28 August, the Haifa District Court in Israel dismissed a civil damages law suit initiated by the family of Rachel Corrie, a young American peace activist, who on March 16, 2003, was killed by an Israeli armed bulldozer in the Rafah region of Gaza. Judge Oded Gershon ruled that her death was ‘a regrettable accident,’ blaming the victim for her own death because ‘any thinking person’ would have stayed away. The judge’s decision represents a defeat for justice and accountability, and a victory for impunity for the Israeli military . . . particularly in relation to innocent and unarmed civilians in an occupied territory.”
A young American peace activist? A defeat for justice? Innocent civilians? Occupied territory? Falk’s complete contempt for Israeli jurisprudence is appalling. Here we had an Israeli judge, who listened to almost two years of witnesses, read mountains of evidence submitted by both sides, heard extensive arguments by lawyers of the Corrie family and the state of Israel, and–based on all of this–rendered an informed decision.
But if that decision disagrees with the ideas of Falk and his friends, it is contemptible. The person who is contemptible, of course, is Richard Falk.
Finally today we come to that grand arbiter of Israeli law, the Israel Supreme Court, that just announced its final decision about the forced evacuation of Migron (the Judean Jewish community near Ramallah). Allow me to quote Haaretz’s excellent description of this decision (emphasis mine):
“In their ruling, the panel of justices, headed by Supreme Court President Asher Grunis and participated by Deputy President Miriam Naor and justice Edna Arbel, effectively rejects the petition by 17 Migron families to stay on the premises, arguing that they had purchased the land on which their homes were built in a legal manner.
The justices wrote in their verdict that they could not decide on the legitimacy of the said transactions and that they assume, for the purposes of the hearing, that the lots were in fact legally purchased.
In addition, the ruling indicates that justices could not accept the claim made by Migron residents, according to which they thought they would be allowed to stay on the lots in they purchased them.
“The purchasers have nothing more than a purchase,” the ruling said, adding that the construction did not correspond to an authorized building plan; that the outpost wasn’t within the jurisdiction of any council; that the government never officially decided to erect the settlement; and that it was condemned by a final demolition order.”
After years and years of legal wrangling over whether or not the land on which Migron was built is “private Palestinian land”, it is simply astonishing that the Israel Supreme Court has now decided that it cannot decide if the Migron residents legally purchased the land or not.

Even though they are not required to do so until Tuesday, many of Migron's residents began sadly, peacefully, and voluntarily leaving Migron this morning to set up another community on the adjacent Judean hilltop.
Yet that did not stop the Court from finding a way to duplicitously side with the “Peace” groups who brought the petition against Migron.
And what is the new reason for the community to be demolished and moved 400 meters to a nearby “acceptable” hilltop? Because–regardless of whether or not the Migron residents (50 families with 300 people) own the land–the buildings were not built according to the dictates of a planning commission!
Welcome to the surreal world of Israel.
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