Head of the “Jewish Home” party for Prime Minister
UPDATES 6 pm Israel time Sunday:
*Another 24 hours of Molotov cocktails, “rock” assaults, and burning tires in Judea and Samaria, though on a slightly diminished scale. At least there no large-scale mobs and riots–just terrorism on the individual level.
*A follow up to yesterday’s blog: the pro-Assad Popular Front For the Liberation of Palestine militia headed by Ahmed Jibril in the southern Damascus “Palestinian” suburb of Yarmouk suffered a stunning defeat yesterday resulting in the wholesale surrender of more than 200 of its Palestinian fighters and the fleeing to Tartarus of Jibril himself.

Caspar Weinberger and his wife during his infamous visit to Yad Vashem. Weinberger, whose grandparents and father were Jewish, was told by a guide that he too would have been killed by the Nazis--even though Weinberger's mother was Christian. To which Weinberger loudly declared to all all those present and to the media: "But I am not a Jew!" (picture source: Yad Vashem collections).
The absolute travesty of justice that was perpetrated against Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard back in 1987 by then U.S. Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger has now been fully exposed.
In a fascinating turn of events, the Obama Administration (after having been petitioned by the National Security Archive) has authorized the release of a heretofore secret “damage assessment” assembled by the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency following Jonathan Pollard’s sentence. The assessment was made while Weinberger was still the Secretary of Defense.
The secret document does not paint a pretty picture of Pollard on a personal level: “compulsive liar”, “marijuana and cocaine user”, chronically in debt, suffering from “Borderline Personality Disorder”, and a bully prone to “fighting”.
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Yet astonishingly the document reveals that in every instance Pollard fully cooperated with American authorities. It further reveals that in every instance in which he was interrogated regarding his spy activities he was given a polygraph test and found to be telling the truth.
Even more remarkably, the secret document also reveals that Pollard did not spy against the United States for Israel. Instead, they show that Pollard provided information to Israel about a variety of Arab states and about the Soviet Union. But primarily, he passed along satellite photography PLO headquarters in Tunis, and secret information about Libya’s air defenses, Syrian chemical weapons, Egyptian ballistic missile capabilities, and the Pakistani nuclear program–all information that your humble servant would have naively assumed that the United States would have shared with its ally Israel anyway.
All of which for he was paid the “outrageous” sum of $2500 a month by the Israeli government.
Just over one month ago, your humble servant detailed Shimon Peres’ sordid betrayal of Pollard and Pollard’s arrest; in September of last year, this blog discussed how Pollard’s chief accuser, Secretary of Defense, Casper Weinberger, had actually authorized wiretapping of the Israeli embassy in Washington long before Pollard’s spying.
In fact, what we now know from the CIA document is that Weinberger’s “damage assessment memorandum” which was the basis of the trial judge sentencing Pollard to life in prison–despite the recommendation of leniency by the prosecutor–was completely fraudulent, and in every way, misrepresented the “crime” that Pollard had committed.
Readers of this blog know that your humble servant rarely uses the term “anti-Semitic” in describing the anti-Israel actions that many Israel bashers undertake. However, it now appears that Pollard has languished in prison for the last 9,887 days for no other reason than Weinberger’s renowned anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. Any hint that Weinberger was somehow acting out of a desire to protect the United States has now vanished.
When one thinks of Michael Walker, the navy seaman who operated a Soviet spy ring and served 15 years in prison, or CIA agent David Barnett who also sold the names of agents to KBB and served ten years in prison, one can only wonder by what bizarre measure of justice Jonathan Pollard has spent the last 28 years of his life in prison.
More than these cases, when one thinks of such spies as Aldrich Ames (and his wife) who specialized in selling for millions of dollars the names of CIA agents to the Soviet KGB ( it is estimated that more than 100 agents were revealed and some 15 were killed)–and for which Ames received life in prison and his wife 63 months, and Robert Hanssen who not only sold the names of American agents to the Russians but even exposed potential defectors who were subsequently killed–and for which he received a life sentence in prison–Pollard’s life sentence seems egregious in the extreme.

An Israeli protests in front of the US embassy in Tel Aviv last year. Readers of this blog may want to visit
Perhaps your humble servant is hoping for too much, but he hopes that the timing of the Obama Administration’s authorized release of the CIA document coming as it does near the time at which the President often issues pardons may indicate that Jonathan Pollard’s release may finally, and justifiably, be near.