UPDATES 9 am Israel time, Tuesday, November 5 2013:
**There were vicious attacks on Israelis from Nokdim to Azzun last night with “rocks” and Molotov cocktails being thrown by Palestinian terrorists.

One of many “pebbles” that hit Israeli cars last night–this one landed in the back car seat of a car near Azzun (picture source on photo).
Whether people are badly injured or not simply depends on where they happen to be sitting. The picture above is of the back seat only. The front of the car was also hit.

Note the wound on the woman’s arm–and the broken shards of glass still in her front, passenger side, window frame.
In the case of this particular car and its driver and passengers, MADA had to be called in to treat multiple wounds.
**The trial of Mohammed Morsi and his 14 co-defendants from the Muslim Brotherhood for killing anti-Morsi protesters got underway in Cairo yesterday (Morsi is being tried on one side of town, and Mubarak is being tried again on the other).

Morsi in the prisoner cage with his business suit (right side). His fellow Muslim Brotherhood defendants in prison garb refusing to face the court (picture source on photo).
The Morsi courtroom had its share of theatrics with Morsi declaring from his cage that he will not don a prison uniform because he is still the “President”–and his fellow defendants turning their backs on the court.
**As war becomes ever more technological, it is not surprising that some of the Israeli communities on the border with Gaza will now be turning to vehicular robots (in essence, land drones) to carry out the security functions that were performed by IDF soldiers until this past weekend when they were permanently pulled out by the moronic IDF General Staff. Click here for some video of what the drone looks like and how it functions.
**John Kerry is arriving back in Israel tomorrow. Yesterday, a number of “sources” including the head of the ultra-left Meretz party, Zehava Gal-on, reported that American involvement in Israeli concession process is about to turn from facilitator to interventionist. Gal-On says that she has been told that in January, the U.S. will put its proposal on the table and “order” the Palestinians and Israelis to deal with it.
Of course that will not be hard to do for the Palestinians since the U.S. proposal is essentially the Palestinian demand.

Eighth graders in Gaza studying from their new “textbooks” (picture source: Wissam Nassar for The New York Times).
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A new textbook for high school students began being used in Gaza this week. Produced by Hamas, it has the following “insights”:
–The Jewish Torah and Talmud are frauds.
–Jews and the Zionist movement are not related to Israel because the Jewish people were destroyed long ago, and Israel is extinct.
Meanwhile, in the Knesset yesterday, there was another explosion in chairwoman Miri Regev’s Interior Committee which is considering whether Jewish prayer should be allowed at Judaism’s holiest place–the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
The outbursts of Arab MKs Jamal Zalhalka (Balad party) and Ahmed Tibi (Tal) included references to “fascist, racist, settlers” as well as Jewish “desecration of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.” Zahalka summed it all up for the Committee when he declared: “There is no Temple Mount; it is something virtual.” In other words, there is no Jewish history on the Mount. First and Second Jewish temples? They never existed.
Not to be outdone, PLO Chairman and unelected Palestinian “President” for life Mahmoud Abbas once again told his Fatah party (in Arabic) in Ramallah yesterday that he would “never recognize Israel as a Jewish state.”
But for Abbas, it is not just that Israel will never be a Jewish state; it is also that there is no Israel–-all of the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea is “Palestine.” The problem for Abbas is that he cannot say this himself without incurring the mild displeasure of the Americans and the slight annoyance of the Europeans.
So how does Abbas get this message across to his fellow Palestinians? He simply has surrogate speakers speak in his name. Click on the following link to a “Palestinian Media Watch” video of a recent Fatah meeting in Ramallah. The video is less than a minute long–pay particular attention to what “Abbas” says about 1948.
No Torah, no Talmud, no Temple Mount, no Jewish people, no Israel. That is the steady Palestinian drumbeat–a drumbeat that can now be heard with increasing volume around the world by anti-Semites and Israel-bashers eager to come out of the woodwork.
Lest you think that this kind of “information” is limited to Gaza, British television is running a program this week that claims that 1900 years ago, the Romans did not destroy the Jews. The program goes on to point out that all of the Jews subsequently became Palestinians. Hence, there is no “Jewish claim” to “Palestine”.