Down and Out in Ramallah and Gaza


This has been another banner month for Our readership has doubled as we continue to reach all corners of the globe. To give you some idea of our reach, here is a list of locations that came to this site in the last 12 hours (please note that this is not a complete list–and that some of these locations had tens of visitors):

Kfar Malal Israel, Shenzhen China, Charleston SC, Beijing China, Bangalore India, Atlanta Georgia, Ottawa Canada, Elsternwick Austria, Ageo Japan, Kiselev Ukraine, Santa Cruz Bolivia, Reyjavik Iceland, Mountain View CA, Shanghai China, Seattle WA, Mount Laurel NJ, Oneida NY, Neuilly-sur-seine France, Steyning Great Britain, Istanbul Turkey, Mariposa CA, Uppsala Sweden, Gorinchem Netherlands, Kiev Ukraine, Brooklyn NY, Staten Island NY, Spokane WA, Columbus OH, Jinan China, Woodbridge NJ, Auckland New Zealand, London Great Britain, Moorestown NJ, Hexham Great Britain, Prague Czech Republic, Karachi Pakistan, Riyadh Saudi Arabia, Waterford Ireland, Boston MA, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates, Algiers Algeria, Freiburg Germany, Holon Israel, Rancho Cordova CA, Paris France, Kansas City MO, Sanaa Yemen, Hacksensack NJ, Jerusalem Israel, Alexandria Egypt, Adana Turkey, Buenos Aires Argentina, Marburg Germany, Warsaw Poland, Tel Mond Israel, Stony Brook NY, Bozorg Iran, Austin TX, Amman Jordan, Jinan China, Ankara Turkey, Chittagong Bangladesh, Simi Valley CA, Tenafly NJ, Istanbul Turkey, Bangkok Thailand, Islamabad Pakistan, Beirut Lebanon, Oslo Norway, Vilvoorde Belgium, San Francisco CA, Carson City NV, Wantagh NY, Kent Great Britain, Calgary Canada, Dallas TX, Almere Netherlands, Goteburg Sweden, Sunbury OH, Hyderabad India, Basel Switzerland, Mumbai India, Claybrooke Magna Great Britain, Sydney Australia, Nokia Finland, Seattle WA, Indianapolis IN, Jakarta Indonesia, Adrar Algeria, Saint Helens Great Britain, Grass Valley CA, Kfar Saba Israel, Bochum Germany, Moscow Russia, Baghdad Iraq, Reno NV, Guangzhou China, El Mahalla El Kubra Egypt, Hanoi Vietnam, Putian China, Louisville KY, Handzlowka Poland, Yakima WA, Bohringen Germany, Mexico City Mexico, Hermannsburg Germany, Erback Germany, Berlin Germany, Seoul Korea, San Diego CA, Barcelona Spain, Santa Clara CA, Pietarsaari Finland, Xiamen China, Willmering Germany, Jiddah Saudi Arabia, Dammam Saudi Arabia, Chicago IL, Riposto Italy, Kavala Greece, Anoul Morocco, Quebec Canada, Hattenhofen Germany, Austin TX, Rishon Le Zion Israel, Maastrict Netherlands, Lappersdorf Germany, Phoenixville PA, Samsun Turkey, Richmond Hill Canada, Dakar Senegal, Rio De Janeiro Brazil, Tampa FL, Forth Worth TX, Aurich Germany, Tiller Norway,  Kerteminde Switzerland, San Antonio TX, Cracow Poland, Yalova Turkey, Westchester IL, San Pedro Philippines, Wembley Great Britain, Nashua NH, Tehran Iran, Sharjah United Arab Emirates, Sacramento CA, Ashdod Israel, Denver CO, Berlin NJ, Roseville CA, Brisbane Australia, Glasgow Scotland

And here are some other locations from which israelstreeters have come in the last 10 days:

Attard Malta, Amanzimtoti South Africa, Singapore Singapore, Sofia Bulgaria, Benghazi Libya, Tbilisi Georgia, Baku Azerbaijan, Luxembourg City Luxembourg, Bratislava Slovakia, Caracas Venezuela, Doha Qatar, Bucharest Romania, Szeged Hungary, Lima Peru, Tirana Albania, Managua Nicaragua, Kuwait City Kuwait, Nicosia Cyprus, Paco De Arcos Portugal, Kaunas Lithuania, Central District Hong Kong, Zagreb Croatia, Taipei Taiwan, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, Kingston Jamaica, Yaounde Cameroon, Nairobi Kenya, Banja Luca Bosnia and Hercegovina, Accra Ghana, Kabul Afghanistan, Ventiane Laos, Belgrade Serbia, Skopje Macedonia, Lagos Nigeria, Katmandu Nepal, Addis Ababa Ethiopia, Bratislava Slovakia, Medellin Colombia, Conakry Guinea, Santo Domingo Dominican Republic, and on and on.  

Your humble servant would like to humbly thank each one of you dear readers for helping to get the word out about Israel!  

UPDATES 11 am Israel time, Saturday, November 30 2013:

Unbelievably, the municipality of Tel Aviv is hosting the “48 mm–International Film Festival on Nakba and Return” at the Cinematheque in Tel Aviv and al-Saraya Theater in Yaffa this weekend.

Sponsored by the virulently anti-Zionist organization Zochrot, the film “festival” is showing short films by Palestinians, Israelis, and other “filmmakers” around the world that call into question the rebirth of Israel in 1947-8. In the words of Zochrot,  “the festival seeks to creatively challenge the partition concept” and is dedicated to “films about the Palestinian Nakba and Return of Refugees.”

Your humble servant is going to be sick. It is bad enough that Israel is under attack in venues around the world without having festivals such like this in downtown Tel Aviv. 


“Poverty frees [people] from ordinary standards of behaviour, just as money frees people from work.” 

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George Orwell, Down and Out in Paris and London

When will the Palestinians ever take responsibility for themselves? Forever mooching, the PLO and Hamas go from country to country groveling for money. In particular, with 170,000 so-called “civil servants” (a category which includes terrorists in Israeli prisons, and terrorists released from Israeli prisons), the poor budget-less PLO just can’t seem to make ends meet.

And never mind that the European Union issued a report last month that 1.95 billion Euros supplied to the PLO over the last few years has been “lost” (in secret PLO Swiss bank accounts no doubt), the world keeps lining up to keep the Palestinians afloat.

This week has seen Rami Hamdallah, the unelected PLO prime minister (the same one who was hired and fired and rehired by Mahmoud Abbas) making the rounds of the Arab states with hat in hand. At the same time, Hamas has been pleading for money from Turkey.

And lo and behold, Qatar has come through again for the PLO–this time to the tune of $150 million dollars. And Turkey has ponied up $850,000 dollars to keep the Gaza power plant working for four months.

What nobody seems to get–not the Europeans, not the Americans, not the United Nations, not the Arab countries and Turkey, and not Israel–is that all of their contributions have created a massive state of beggary among the Palestinians.

More than this, it is a beggary that has robbed the Palestinians of any semblance of self-dignity. One would think leaders like Rami Hamdallah and Mahmoud Abbas would be mortified to go time after time in search of money.

But they are not.

One would think that the Palestinians themselves would be humiliated to have their leaders pleading for money anywhere and everywhere.

But they are not.

Palestinian society and culture is rotten to core and becomes more so with each new infusion of money.

This entry was posted in News and tagged “Poverty frees [people] from ordinary standards of behaviour, 1.95 billion euros, 150 million dollars, 170000 civil servants, 48 mm--International Film Festival on Nakba and Return, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates, Accra Ghana, Adana Turkey, Addis Ababa Ethiopia, Adrar Algeria, afloat, Ageo Japan, Alexandria Egypt, Algiers Algeria, Almere Netherlands, Amanzimtoti South Africa, Amman Jordan, and not Israel, Ankara Turkey, Anoul Morocco, Ashdod Israel, Atlanta Georgia, Attard Malta, Auckland New Zealand, Aurich Germany, Austin TX, Baghdad Iraq, Baku Azerbaijan, Bangalore India, Bangkok Thailand, Banja Luca Bosnia and Hercegovina, banner month, Barcelona Spain, Basel Switzerland, Beijing China, Beirut Lebanon, Belgrade Serbia, Benghazi Libya, Berlin Germany, Berlin NJ, Bochum Germany, Bohringen Germany, Boston MA, Bozorg Iran, Bratislava Slovakia, Brisbane Australia, Brooklyn NY, Bucharest Romania, budgetless plo, Buenos Aires Argentina, but they are not, Calgary Canada, Caracas Venezuela, Carson City NV, Central District Hong Kong, Charleston SC, Chicago IL, Chittagong Bangladesh, Claybrooke Magna Great Britain, Columbus OH, Conakry Guinea, corners of the globe, Cracow Poland, Dakar Senegal, Dallas TX, Dammam Saudi Arabia, Denver CO, Doha Qatar, Down and Out in Paris and London, down and out in Ramallah and Gaza, El Mahalla El Kubra Egypt, Elsternwick Austria, Erback Germany, films about the Palestinian Nakba and Return of Refugees, Forth Worth TX, Freiburg Germany, George Orwell, Glasgow Scotland, Gorinchem Netherlands, Goteburg Sweden, Grass Valley CA, groveling for money, Guangzhou China, Hacksensack NJ, hamas, Handzlowka Poland, Hanoi Vietnam, hat in hand, Hattenhofen Germany, Hermannsburg Germany, Hexham Great Britain, Holon Israel, humiliated, Hyderabad India, Indianapolis IN, Islamabad Pakistan, Israel, israelis, israelstreet, isreal, Istanbul Turkey, Jakarta Indonesia, jerusalem israel, Jiddah Saudi Arabia, Jinan China, just as money frees people from work, Kabul Afghanistan, Kansas City MO, Karachi Pakistan, Katmandu Nepal, Kaunas Lithuania, Kavala Greece, Kent Great Britain, Kerteminde Switzerland, Kfar Malal Israel, Kfar Saba Israel, Kiev Ukraine, Kingston Jamaica, Kiselev Ukraine, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, Kuwait City Kuwait, Lagos Nigeria, Lappersdorf Germany, Lima Peru, London Great Britain, Louisville KY, Luxembourg City Luxembourg, Maastrict Netherlands, make ends meet, Managua Nicaragua, Marburg Germany, Mariposa CA, massive state of beggary, Medellin Colombia, Mexico City Mexico, mooching, Moorestown NJ, more so with each new infusion of money, Moscow Russia, Mount Laurel NJ, Mountain View CA, Mumbai India, Nairobi Kenya, Nashua NH, Neuilly-sur-seine France, Nicosia Cyprus, Nokia Finland, not the Americans, not the Arab countries and Turkey, not the Europeans, not the United Nations, One would think leaders like Rami Hamdallah and Mahmoud Abbas would be mortified to go time after time in search of money, Oneida NY, Oslo Norway, Ottawa Canada, Paco De Arcos Portugal, Palestinian society and culture is rotten to core, Palestinians, paris france, Phoenixville PA, Pietarsaari Finland, plo swiss bank accounts, poor, Prague Czech Republic, Putian China, Qatar, Quebec Canada, rami hamdallah, Rancho Cordova CA, readership has doubled, Reno NV, Reyjavik Iceland, Richmond Hill Canada, Rio De Janeiro Brazil, Riposto Italy, Rishon Le Zion Israel, Riyadh Saudi Arabia, robbed the Palestinians of any semblance of self-dignity, Roseville CA, Sacramento CA, Saint Helens Great Britain, Samsun Turkey, San Antonio TX, San Diego CA, San Francisco CA, San Pedro Philippines, Sanaa Yemen, Santa Clara CA, Santa Cruz Bolivia, Santo Domingo Dominican Republic, Seattle WA, Seoul Korea, Shanghai China, Sharjah United Arab Emirates, Shenzhen China, Simi Valley CA, Singapore Singapore, Skopje Macedonia, Sofia Bulgaria, Spokane WA, Staten Island NY, Steyning Great Britain, Stony Brook NY, Sunbury OH, Sydney Australia, Szeged Hungary, Taipei Taiwan, Tampa FL, Tbilisi Georgia, Tehran Iran, Tel Mond Israel, Tenafly NJ, terrorists in Israeli prisons, terrrorists released from israeli prisons, the festival seeks to creatively challenge the partition concept, Tiller Norway, Tirana Albania, to the tune of, turkey, turkey has ponied up 850000 dollars, Uppsala Sweden, Ventiane Laos, Vilvoorde Belgium, Wantagh NY, Warsaw Poland, Waterford Ireland, Wembley Great Britain, Westchester IL, what nobody seems to get, When will the Palestinians ever take responsibility for themselves, Willmering Germany, Woodbridge NJ, Xiamen China, Yakima WA, Yalova Turkey, Yaounde Cameroon, Zagreb Croatia, zochrot. Bookmark the permalink.

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