UPDATES 9 pm Israel time, Wednesday, January 8 2014:
*Two fascinating archaelogical snippets from yesterday’s news.

Nahal Rafaim (the Valley of the Ghosts). Could this be the site (underground) of King David’s palace? (photo: http://israel-tourguide.info).
In the first, it was announced that the possible location of King David’s palace will be revealed on January 17th. Israelstreet has already reported on the site identified by Binyamin Tropper of the Kfar Etzion Field School located at Nahal Refaim just south of Jerusalem. It is believed that the entire palace may be intact underground.
The Israel Antiquities Authority has been at great pains to keep the discovery silent because of political “sensitivity.” The location is right beside the proposed route of the last section of the security fence around Jerusalem. Apparently, if this last segment of the fence is built, the palace will fall on the “Palestinian side”.
The second snippet concerns the Temple Mount. In a Knesset committee meeting yesterday chaired by Miri Regev, a film was shown that showed workers of the Islamic Wakf drilling on the Mount and a pile of “wooden beams”–some of which may be from the First Temple period (click here for an interesting discussion about this wood).
*Disturbances are continuing in Hebron with terrorists pelting IDF soldiers with “rocks” and IEDs at various IDF positions in and around the city. Between 8 am and 5 pm yesterday, there were 37 terrorist incidents in Judea and Samaria in which “rocks” and Molotov cocktails were thrown at IDF forces, Border Guards, police, and Israeli civilians.
*The attempt to de-Judaize Israel continues in the Interior Ministry. Earlier this year, officials in the ministry authorized the use of “xxxxx” in the place of “Jewish” in the space for “nationality” on Israeli identity cards. Now, citizens renewing their cards are being given an option to not to include their Jewish birthdate.
Speaking of de-Judaization, think about 80,000 so-called “Palestinian refugees”.
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Numerous sources revealed yesterday that John Kerry has “offered” Mahmoud Abbas that 80,000 “Palestinian refugees” will be allowed to return to Israel.
And that Mahmoud Abbas has rejected that offer, insisting instead on 200,000.
Wait a minute.
What right does John Kerry have to offer Mahmoud Abbas and the PLO anything? Apparently Americans just happen to think that this is their right. Listen to what one Palestinian official said yesterday about the 80,000 refugee offer:
“Kerry’s proposal on the return of refugees is the same proposal offered by former U.S. President Bill Clinton during Camp David peace talks held in the United States in 2000.”
The same proposal offered by Bill Clinton?
Isn’t it amazing that Israeli government after Israeli government has ceded the right to make “negotiating decisions” to the Americans? Think back to just a month ago when John Kerry announced that the next Palestinian terrorist release would go ahead as planned and not be postponed.
Of course the ultimate irony of this situation is that while Netanyahu says that he wants the Palestinians to recognize that Israel is a Jewish state he seems willing to flood Israel with so-called Palestinian refugees whose only goal is to de-Judaize Israel.
No matter what the number, Netanyahu has conceded that the Palestinians have a “right of return.”