UPDATES 7 pm Israel time, Monday, February 3 2014:
**Statistics released today show that 70% of all “imports” into Areas A and B of Judea and Samaria last year–totalling $3.5 billion dollars–came from Israel. A related survey indicates that the Palestinian consumer prefers (in order): Israeli products, foreign products, locally produced products.
**The debt that the so-called Palestinian Authority (aka the PLO) owes to the Israel Electric Corporation has now risen to 1.2 billion shekels ($375 million). Yiftach Ron-Tal , the head of the IEC remarked yesterday: “We are doing our best to collect the debt. I would sorely love to shut off their electricity, as I would for any customer who refuses to pay his bills.” However, Ron-Tal noted that attempts to collect the debt are hamstrung by “political considerations.”
In other words, because of Israeli governmental fear of upsetting the PA/PLO, Israeli consumers must continue to pay outrageously high electric bills to offset the monies not being paid by the Palestinians.

Erekat, Kerry, and Livni: working assiduously on all fronts to undermine Israel (picture source on photo).
Unsurprisingly, Israel’s chief conceder Tzipi Livni, has rushed to John Kerry’s defense today as the American Secretary of State continues to be lambasted by Israelis for his remarks in Munich.
Livni who adores Kerry with an almost unseemly passion and who was the object of Kerry-love in Munich, harangued: “Some of those who ranted against the Secretary of State, if they had known what Kerry did to prevent these threats and these boycotts – they would be humiliated and hide their eyes in shame.” This statement, as are all of Livni’s statements, was made in close coordination with the U.S. State Department which said much the same thing in defense of Kerry a few hours before.
Kerry preventing boycotts? Who is kidding whom? As was pointed out in this blog yesterday, every Kerry attempt at boycott intimidation is followed almost immediately by some Dutch, Norwegian, or Swedish entity announcing a new boycott.
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But wait a minute. Livni wasn’t finished as she used the opportunity to reiterate another Kerry-State Department–international community theme: “Every stone being placed in an isolated settlement hurts the chances of a peace deal and places another stone in the wall which will isolate Israel and the world.”
To believe Livni and her cohorts, it’s all about the “settlements”. Without those Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, peace with the Palestinians would blossom, and Israel would be lovingly embraced by the world.
Of course, nothing is further from the truth. Peace with the Palestinians did not blossom when there were no “settlements”, and Israel will not be lovingly embraced by the world until it no longer exists.
After all, as Livni’s partner for peace, Saeb Erekat, declared this week, all of Israel was built on “stolen land.” In a breathtaking rewrite of history, Erekat ludicrously said that when Joshua entered the land of Canaan thousands of years ago and laid siege to Jericho, it was his (Erekat’s) ancestors that Joshua defeated. To hear Erekat tell it, those residents of Jericho 5500 years ago were Palestinians.
And where was Livni when her friend Erekat made his astonishing comments and the world was gobbling them up? Nowhere to be seen or heard.
The simple fact is that Livni, Kerry, and Erekat never miss an opportunity to undermine Israel.