UPDATES 7 pm Israel time, Monday, February 17 2014:
*According to news reports, John Kerry will be meeting with Mahmoud Abbas in Paris tomorrow to discuss his new “framework for peace.” There are unconfirmed rumors that Suha Arafat (the widow of Yasser Arafat who has been living in decadent luxury since her husband’s death almost 10 years ago) will also be in attendance.
*There has been another attempt by Palestinian rioters to breach the Gaza fence today. In yet another incident, IDF soldiers repelled a group of Palestinian terrorists as they crept toward the fence to plant IEDs.

Like a snake in the grass, a smiling Abbas dissembles to a group of Israeli students in Ramallah on Sunday (picture: Haaretz).
The Israeli and interntional “Left” are all insanely agog over comments that unelected Palestinian President and PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas made Sunday. To hear these leftists tell the story, Abbas proved once and for all just how flexible he and the Palestinians are–and just how much the Palestinians want to live in peace with their Israeli neighbors.
Speaking to a group of 300 Israeli students who are members of the “Lobby for the Promotion of a Solution for the Israeli-Arab Conflict”, Abbas offered these gems of flexibility:
1. The Palestinians will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state.
However Abbas was “flexible”. He said that if Israel wants to be recognized as a Jewish state, Benjamin Netanyahu should take the idea to the United Nations.
2. The Palestinians will never cease their demand that Jerusalem be their capital.
However, Abbas was “flexible.” He said that is not necessary to “re-divide Jerusalem”. The Palestinian municipality can be established in “East” Jerusalem and the Israeli municipality in “West” Jerusalem–with one important caveat: that both municipalities should then be administered by a “higher body” (read international consortium).
[In other words, not only should Israel relinquish sovereignty over the eastern neighborhoods of Jerusalem, it should also relinquish sovereignty over the western neighborhoods as well. There should be no Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem.]
3. In regard to the Temple Mount, the Palestinians will never agree to Israeli sovereignty over the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
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However, Abbas was “flexible.” He said that Palestinians will allow Jews to pray at the Western Wall.
[The Palestinians will allow Jews to pray at the Western Wall? Sure thing, just like the period between 1948 and 1967 when Jordan–along with their Palestinian cohorts–ethnically cleansed the Old City of Jerusalem of every Jew and used the Western Wall as a garbage dump.]
4. On the issue of the Palestinian refugees, Mahmoud Abbas demanded that a “just solution” be found for the 5,000,000+ UNRWA so-called “refugees”.
However, Abbas was “flexible.” He said that he does not want to “drown Israel with millions of [Palestinian] refugees to change its nature.”
[A just solution? This is Palestinian code for the terms of the Arab Peace Initiative which demands that all Palestinians be given the right of return to Israel or compensation if they choose not to return.]
5. On the issue of whether Jews can live in future state of Palestine, Abbas declared “First of all, give me the borders of the Palestinian state”.
However, Abbas was “flexible”. He tagged on this line: “. . . then we’ll discuss the repercussions and minor details.”
[Minor details? Was this a Freudian slip on the part of Abbas? For all of the Palestinian howling about the obstacle of “settlements”, are they really just “minor details?”]
So let’s have a recap of Abbas’ newly found “flexibility”: no Jewish state of Israel, no Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem including no Israeli sovereignty over the Temple Mount or the Western Wall, no giving up on the right of Palestinian return to Israel, and probably no Jews in a new state of Palestine.
No, no, no, no, and no.