The Muslim Threat Is All Around Us


9:00 am Israel time, Sunday, February 15 2015

29 Days Until The Election

***In the last hour in Israel: the Road 55 entrance into Qalqilya has been closed due to Palestinian terrorist gunfire in the area, and Hamas Palestinian terrorists in northern Gaza have “test-fired” two rockets into the Mediterranean.

***In the last 24 hours in Israel: there was an attempted missile attack on Eilat; Molotov cocktails thrown by Arab terrorists set homes on fire in Jerusalem; “rocks” were thrown at Israeli motorists by Palestinian terrorists in Judea and Samaria.

***In the last 24 hours around the world: there was a shooting attack near a synagogue in Copenhagen which has left a Jewish security guard man dead following a shooting attack at a cafe in the same city which was hosting “a free speech” event which left another man dead; 20 Coptic Christians were killed by IS in Libya, and 17 Kurds were executed by IS in Syria—and this just barely scratches the surface.

***In the last 2 days around the world: six family members were blown apart by a Muhahid bomb in Samarrah, Iraq; 20 Muslims were slaughtered by Jundallah gunmen at a Shi’ite Mosque in Peshawar, Pakistan; 12 villagers were hacked to death by Boko Haram terrorists in Akida, Nigeria; 11 more people were blown apart by a female Boko Haram suicide bomber at a market in Biu, Nigeria; three Muslim women in Mosul, Iraq had their hands chopped off because they used cellphones, and the list goes on and on . . .

How have we become so inured to barbaric Muslim violence?

How have we reached a place in the world where Muslim violence directed against Jews in Israel does not even merit a mention in the international press.
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How have we reached a point in the world where Muslim terrorists are running amok in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East killing Christians, Yazidis, Buddhists, Hindus,  and fellow Muslims?

We have reached this point by refusing to see what is directly in front of our face. We reached this point by not being brave enough to confront what we know is evil. We reached this point by being silent.

The Muslim threat is all around us. The first step is to identify it. The next step is to act before it is too late. 



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