The Odious Obama Interview: Part 3 (Final)


7 pm Israel time, Friday, June 5 2015

**Events in the Palestinian terrorist state of Gaza today:

A member of Hamas’ military wing died in a “work-related” accident when a tunnel collapsed near Khan Younis.

Hamas has given in to the IS-affiliated Salafists in Gaza and released Salafist prisoners it detained last week.

Palestinian terrorists have started a fire on the Gaza border which is currently spreading toward an Israeli kibbutz.

**Speaking of giving in, the French company Orange has collapsed in the face of BDS pressure and decided to take away its franchise in Israel. More on this tomorrow.


For the past few days, we have seen an arrogant and petulant President Obama preaching to Israelis and whining about misunderstanding of his motives during a rambling interview with Ilana Dayan which was broadcast on Israeli television Channel 2 a few days ago.

Today, we finish with our analysis of the interview, but for purposes of brevity, we will just give “snippets” of what Obama said–and not his monologuish answers.

So here are the lowpoints:


“. . . when I was in Jerusalem and I spoke, the biggest applause line I got was when I said, I know that the people of Israel care about . . . Palestinian children.” 

[Applause lines are what it’s all about for Obama. A man of no conviction, no red lines, no right and wrong: Obama lives in a relativistic kumbaya universe. The reason he got applause in Jerusalem, by the way, is that he handpicked students who could be in the audience–and excluded students from universities whom he thought would disagree with him.]


“We know that Iran, prior to me coming into office, had gone from a few hundred centrifuges to thousands.  We know that the potential breakout time for Iran, if it chose to build a bomb, is a matter potentially of months today instead of years. And I said that in exchange for some modest relief in sanctions, Iran is going to have to freeze its nuclear program, roll back on its stockpiles of very highly enriched uranium—the very stockpiles that Prime Minister Netanyahu had gone before the United Nations with his picture of the bomb and said that was proof of how dangerous this was—all that stockpile is gone. And in fact, at that time, everybody said, this isn’t going to work.  They’re going to cheat.  They’re not going to abide by it.  And yet, over a year and a half later, we know that they have abided by the letter of it.”

[An amazing piece of outright deceit. The IAEA published a report this very week showing that Iran’s nuclear weapons program has accelerated with increased enrichment of uranium and increased nuclear stockpiles. Iran has frozen nothing. Iran hasn’t abided by the letter of anything. Netanyahu was absolutely right.]

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“. . . we shouldn’t assume that we can perpetuate the sanctions forever anyway.  There’s a shelf life on the sanctions, because the reason the international community agreed was to get to the table to deal with the nuclear issue, not to deal with all of these other issues.  So we will get a diminishing return just on maintaining sanctions.”

[Obama’s heart was never in the sanctions. A shelf life? At precisely the moment that the sanctions were beginning to bite, Obama started lessening them. All these other issues? Like Iranian sponsoring terrorism? Like Iran marching into Yemen, Syria, and Iraq?]


“They have a low-tech but very effective mechanism of financing proxies, of creating chaos in regions.  And they’ve also shown themselves, regardless of sanctions, to be willing to finance Hezbollah with rockets and others even in the face of sanctions. So the question then becomes are they going to suddenly be able to finance 10 times the number of Hezbollah fighters?  Probably not.”

[Do we have this straight? Yes the Iranians are sponsoring terrorism and supplying Hezbollah with rockets, but it’s all very “low-tech” and we shouldn’t worry about it.

And if they have 10 times more money, will they finance 10 times the number of Hezbollah fighters? Probably not according to Obama.

Probably not? Probably not only in Obama’s delusional universe. Of course they will.] 


“And I can, I think, demonstrate—not based on any hope, but on facts and evidence and analysis—that the best way to prevent Iran from having a nuclear weapon is a verifiable, tough agreement.  A military solution will not fix it, even if the United States participates. It would temporarily slow down an Iranian nuclear program, but it will not eliminate it.”

[The military option was never on the table.]


“I am less worried about any particular disagreement that I have with Prime Minister Netanyahu.  I am more worried about what I described earlier, which is an Israeli politics that’s motivated only by fear and that then leads to a loss of those core values that, when I was young and I was admiring Israel from afar, were what were the essence of this nation.

And I want to say this—because I always have to be careful if I’m speaking about another country to recognize ultimately it’s up to the Israeli people and their duly elected government to make decisions about what their policies are.  All I can do is to, as a friend and an ally—the most important friend and ally Israel has—that these are concerns.”

[Obama is our friend. And good friends have to teach us about moral values. And yes, we can have elections, but they should be based on Obama’s naive hopes and aspirations, not based on our own knowledge and experience with the millions of enemies who surround us.] 

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