16 Shevat 5776
Tuesday, January 26 2016
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Another bright, shining light of Israel has been extinguished.
Shlomit Kreigsman, the 24-year-old woman who was viciously stabbed by Palestinians yesterday as she shopped for groceries in Beit Horon, tragically died this morning after fighting for her life all last night at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem.
Her funeral was at 1:00 this afternoon.
Shlomit, the oldest of six children, is being rememberd by all as a person who loved children and always tried to do “good.” A Bnei Akiva Youth Movement member, she even started a lending library for books in her home.
Her best friend, Einat Dermer, tearfully said this at the funeral:
“She was a considerate person who cared about her friends. She always wanted everything to be better. I am in complete shock. It hasn’t sunk in. When they called me I was certain that it was to tell me she was engaged. She had such a good heart and was so empathetic to those around her. She was very creative. I still can’t imagine returning home without Shlomit.”
Shlomit Kreigsman:
May this wonderful young woman be forever blessed.
Numerous “rock” and Molotov attacks have taken place today. Here are three of many attacks that took place in the afternoon:
At 3:36 pm, there was a Palestinian bulldozer attack at the entrance to Beit Ur al-Tahta beside Beit Horon. One IDF soldier was run over and wounded “moderately”; the terrorist escaped.
At 2:50 pm, Palestinian terrorists assaulted Israeli motorists on the Hussan bypass road. People were traumatized and cars were damaged.
At 1:40 pm, there was a Palestinian bulldozer attack. A terrorist in a car broke though a barrier and tried to run over soldiers near Eli Benjamin. No soldiers were wounded; the terrorist was captured.
–>Pope Francis: a village . . . (oops) . . . Vatican idiot.
Iranian President Rouhani is making his sanctions-relief victory tour around Europe buying up everything in sight. His focus for the past few days was buying 114 Airbus airplanes from the E.U. in France.
This morning he was at the Vatican being feted by pro-Palestinian Pope Francis who hilariously suggested that Iran would become a regional peacemaker–and as such could work against terror and the arms trade.
Can you believe this?
Who is the major sponsor of terror in the Middle East? And who has gone hog-wild buying weapons of all sorts?
Oh, and what about the small detail that Rouhani’s government is chucking into prison anyone who espouses Christianity? Why doesn’t the Pope have something to say about that?
–>Winter has arrived.
Higher elevations throughout Israel have been hit by snow today. It snowed in Jerusalem; but the snow did not stick.
Here is a picture from Har Bracha last night; Har Bracha is located on the southern ridge of Mt. Gerizim in Samaria near Shechem:
The cold weather has brought with it a huge demand for electricity. Yesterday saw an all-time record for electrical use at 12,200 MW. The previous winter record, from January of last year, was 11,934 MW.
–>Herzog attacked by his own party.
As regular readers of israelstreet know, your humble servant despises Isaac Herzog and Tzipi Livni–leaders of the Herzog/Livni party (also known disingenously as the “Zionist Camp”).
However . . .
Last Friday, Herzog was in France where he told the French:
“Attempts to reach a Palestinian state now are unrealistic. A Palestinian state cannot be established currently because the Palestinians have no leadership that controls the whole territory and that could lead such a move.”
Referring to the boykott “labeling” decision of the European Union and to the French-proposed UN resolution on Palestinian statehood, Herzog continued:
“Such decisions only reward terrorism and the BDS movement. They nullify the possibility of advancing regional moves.”
To which Herzog added:
“Israelis won’t accept anyone imposing decisions on them. Israel is a sovereign state, hence any such decision or step only damages Israeli public willingness to advance toward a change in the Middle East.’’
Your humble servant hardly knows what to say. Should we accept these statements at face value and laud them? Or could this be a disingenuous prelude to a major realignment of the Netanyahu coalition–with Herzog/Livni in, and Jewish Home out?
Whatever the case, the last few hours have seen a ridiculous scene unfold at a Herzog/Livni party meeting at which other members of the party have lambasted Herzog for the statements that he made. Apparently, a serious attempt may be made to remove him as leader of his own party.
Wherever you look these days, BDS seems to be on the rise. Whether it is a group of British doctors who are trying to have an international medical group ban Israeli physicials, the United Methodist Church in the U.S. divesting from Israeli banks, or the E.U. labeling Jewish goods from Israel, the BDS movement seems to be having a dramatic impact.
Undoubtedly BDS is having an impact on Israel politically, but is it really having its desired economic impact?
Apparently not.
It is true that in 2015 Israeli agricultural exports were down–and BDS was quick to take credit. However, the main reason exports dropped was because of the falling value of the ruble. Russia, one of Israel’s primary trading partners, has drastically cut back its imports from all countries–not only those from Israel.
The fact is that BDS is always quick to take credit for any decision or statistic that it perceives to be anti-Israel. Several years ago, your humble servant was involved in a fight against BDS regarding companies bidding on a local water project. BDS was attempting to have Veolia (a company that helped build the Jerusalem Light Rail system) excluded from the process.
The water commissioners would not listen to the BDS proponents; however Veolia eventually dropped out of the process (as did one of the other two remaining companies) because it decided that the project was not feasible. What was the result? BDS trumpeted the Veolia withdrawal as a major victory.
Your humble servant was thinking about all of this when he saw yesterday that 2015 was a record year for Israeli high-tech.
Israeli high-tech start ups raised $4.43 billion dollars in 708 separate transactions. These dollars and transactions were a 30% increase over 2014. The last quarter of the year was especially successful.
As we have often pointed out, the world is still beating a path to Israel’s door. Does this mean that we should disregard BDS? Of course not. Does this mean that we should take BDS claims with a grain of salt? Of course we should, a very big grain.